Home Medicine Thorold Reiki master wants to help heal the world

Thorold Reiki master wants to help heal the world

by Universalwellnesssystems

Susan Savannah believes in the healing power of spiritual energy: “What we put out comes back to us tenfold.”

Thorold resident Susan Savannah wants to help make the world a better place. As a Reiki Master with over 20 years of experience, Savannah wants to teach people how to tap into their own divine light.

“It gives me joy and happiness to be able to help other people on their journey,” Savannah says. Thorold Today“Of course we have learnings and lessons in life. When we learn from experiences, we always bring home little gifts, little insights, and a deeper understanding. And then we share that with others to try to remove their obstacles and challenges.”

Savannah has always been a spiritual person.

“I’ve been interested in spirituality since I was very young,” she says, “but I didn’t really get interested in it until I was approaching my 30s, and life teaches you things, so I think it’s through the learning process and experiences in life that you get closer to who you really are.”

In the late 1990s, Savannah discovered Reiki and was immediately fascinated by the possibilities this ancient spiritual practice could offer.

“People didn’t know much about chakras back then,” Savannah says. “Now people are more connected to their spiritual side. I believe we have evolved as a consciousness on the planet. But people back then didn’t even know what chakras were, so they all thought they were weird. Things are very different now.”

Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan, and Savannah uses her hands to redirect energy within a person’s body.

“We’re working with universal energy,” she says, “You’ve probably heard it called chi or prana. It’s the energy that’s present in all living things. When you attune to Reiki or become a Reiki practitioner, your inner healing channels open up a little wider.”

Savannah also gives spiritual readings, trying to read people’s energy and give them advice.

“When I read, [tarot] “The cards are basically the starting point of my intuitive knowing,” Savannah says. “I choose to work with divine light, so I ask that light to work through me to bring spiritual guidance and help to that person’s path, and then I just let the information flow.”

According to Savannah, we all have the ability to heal ourselves and others.

“It’s important to realize that we are whole and perfect in ourselves,” she says. “Once we learn self-love and respect, we can deepen it even further by sharing it with our relationships, family and friends. My goal in life is to make people happy. The happier people are, the more peaceful they will be. Then consciousness on the planet will change and we will all be in a better place.”

The important thing is to lead with love, even to non-believers.

“Everyone has an opinion on how they feel about something,” Savannah says, “and some people might be offended. I respect everyone’s way of doing things. We all have our own understandings and beliefs and we’re all so different. How boring a place would life be if we were all the same?”

In these tumultuous times of division and chaos, Savannah wants to help heal the world.

“When we treat other people with disrespect, hatred and criticism, we’re actually doing it to ourselves,” she says. “What we put out comes back to us tenfold. I wish people could understand that we’re not so different. At our core, we’re all the same. We all laugh the same. We all cry the same. We all hurt the same. I believe we all have a little bit of that divine essence in us that we can tap into.”

For more information on Susan Savannah’s work, Her WebsiteSavannah is also the author of various books, including her latest. Heaven’s Gate.

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