Home Fitness This Woman’s 100-Pound Weight Loss Story Is Endless Motivation

This Woman’s 100-Pound Weight Loss Story Is Endless Motivation

by Universalwellnesssystems

Sometimes the hardest part of losing weight, transforming your body, or achieving a particular fitness goal is simply taking the first step to get started. If you want pure motivation, read on for one woman’s true (and truly inspiring!) weight loss journey. I talked to a 30 year old man eat this Reader Lisa Maresca lost 100 pounds in two and a half years! Here’s how she does it:

“I wanted to start my weight loss journey for many reasons. “I was abstinent from food and alcohol and ate very little,” says Maresca. “It wasn’t sustainable and the moment I stopped, all the weight came back on and more.”

Speeding up to July 2020, Maresca was the heaviest to date. It was also an unprecedented time in our collective history with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. “I was very unhealthy, both mentally and physically,” Maresca explains. “I went to Hersheypark with some friends that month, but I was too big to ride the roller coaster. I felt so embarrassed and disgusted with myself.” Not being able to ride this vehicle safely was enough to make me want to change something. ” And so began her real journey.

Not setting a hard deadline for the end goal was critical to Maresca’s success.

Lisa Maresca

Mareska started her 100-pound weight loss journey in July 2020. From that time until January 2023, her weight loss was stable, although there was some plateau throughout, which is to be expected. “She didn’t give herself a deadline to reach this goal, but I think that helped her a lot to take the unnecessary pressure off of herself,” she said. will reveal.

Maresca also stresses the importance of “controlling the controllable” and asking himself “what can I control?” For Maresca, it’s her mindset and physical activity. “Some people think that losing weight is just about exercising and watching what you eat, but there’s a big psychological component,” she says.

Clearly, Maresca is human just like the rest of us, and some days are tougher, like getting to the gym early in the morning is hard or her body dysmorphic disorder sets in. “But I learned to recognize those moments and say, ‘Do what you need to do to change the way you think. I have a wonderful support system of friends and family who are always there for me.'” she says.

RELATED: This chef’s nearly 100-pound weight loss journey is so inspiring

This meal plan helped Maresca lose 100 pounds.

grilled chicken thigh
shutter stock

First and foremost, having a healthy relationship with food was essential. Having struggled with eating disorders in the past and having tried countless “crash diets” that were difficult to stick to in the long term, Maresca realized the importance of identifying the best plan for her body. was “She didn’t want to deprive herself,” she says. “Most of the time when she’s home, she cooks and eats healthy, but [went] When dining out, I ordered what I wanted without feeling guilty. “

She doesn’t really like complicated dishes or meal prep, so she prefers recipes that are very easy to assemble. Is she one of your favorites?Seasoned and grilled chicken thighs! “Chicken thighs aren’t as healthy as chicken breasts, but I think they’re much more flavorful than chicken breasts. I bake a piece of salmon with a dash of Dijon mustard. I have lentil pasta.” I also love Trader Joe’s chickpea pasta.”

Additionally, Maresca has largely stopped drinking at home, saving it for special treats when she goes out with friends.

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She is a big fan of Orange Theory.

Weight loss split image comparison
Lisa Maresca

To lose weight, you need a solid combination of diet and exercise. Maresca is a total proponent of Orange Theory. “I love my coaches, my classes, and my community,” she says. “I’m a morning workout person, so I go to work out three (sometimes four) times a week before I go to work. When I push it, it goes back to where it was.” On a daily basis, I feel great, both mentally and physically. “

Of course, when it comes to weight loss, what works for one person may not work for another. Because everyone’s body is different. But Maresca leaves us all with solid advice. “Find what works for you and stick with it as long as it makes you happy,” she advises. “At the end of the day, you want to be physically and mentally healthy, so you need to take this journey for yourself. Never think that your worth is tied to your weight.” If someone in your life is nagging at you, say, “People who lose weight, or who want to be involved in their life if they lose weight, aren’t the type of people you want by your side. You can’t control them.” Control people.” We couldn’t agree more.

Alexa Meraldo

Alexa is Mind + Body Deputy Editor of Eat This, Not That! and oversees the M+B channel, bringing readers engaging fitness, wellness and self-care topics.Read more about Alexa

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