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This is the picture that will make you stop drinking

by Universalwellnesssystems

Keep a drinking diary (on paper or via an app)

To successfully quit, you need to be honest about how much you drink. Keeping track of everything will help you solve this (and don't lie to yourself, because I used to do it, so don't embarrass yourself if you have a problem) ).

A diary can also help you identify the emotions that trigger you to reach for a drink. For me it was a family visit. Every time I came home from my parents' house, I thought, “God, I need a drink.” Once you know what causes it, you can manage or avoid it.

avoid temptation

i used to love a glass of wine When I was preparing dinner, I was cutting vegetables. His arm almost hit the glass. Then I took a bath and continued drinking during that time. So what did I do after giving up? I started taking a shower. And I stopped making dinner for a while.

If you decide to quit drinking and go to the supermarket, avoid the alcohol section. If you notice that, ask yourself why.

First, I switched to soda to replace the sugar, which wasn't particularly healthy either. Three years later, I'm happy drinking chamomile tea, but it took me a while to get to this point.

don't go out

When you go to a bar or restaurant, everyone around you is drinking alcohol. So why would you put yourself in that position? If you're doing Dry January, you've got a ready-made excuse: it's cold and you don't have money. Otherwise, give yourself permission to stay home or come home early. Designate yourself as the designated driver. Let's put temperance first.

Think about your overall health

It's not just the liver. The same goes for brain chemistry and kidneys. All of these need to be cured. When I felt the urge to pick up the glass, I imagined my insides to be an eerie neon green. The longer I went without drinking, the better colors they took on in my imagination.

Getting your body moving by starting yoga or joining a gym can be very effective. If you've been drinking heavily, be aware that it may take some time to regain coordination, and don't get your hopes up too much.

Instead of reaching for booze, fill your brain with a book or podcast. If you feel like you need therapy to nourish your soul and rid yourself of guilt and other difficult emotions, seek it out.

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