Home Products This ‘healthy’ diet choice could ruin your sleep: doctor

This ‘healthy’ diet choice could ruin your sleep: doctor

by Universalwellnesssystems


If you’re feeling salty from lack of sleep, you may need to eat more salt in your diet.

Cardiovascular research scientist Dr. James DiNicorantino shares video on instagram Learn why too little salt in your diet can make you toss and turn at night.

“People who ate a low-salt diet had worse sleep because their sympathetic nervous system was activated,” he explained in the video, which has received more than 3,000 likes.

This activation of the sympathetic nervous system is a “stress response” that affects sleep, he said.

He also said that some studies have shown that eating a low-sodium diet containing about 2,200 milligrams of sodium is enough to cause sodium deficiency.

Milan – Stock.adobe.com
You may think you’re doing your body a favor by cutting back on salt, but doctors warn that eating too little salt can lead to other problems. Hihytetrin – Stock.adobe.com

When your body doesn’t have enough sodium, sodium, magnesium and calcium are pulled out of your bones, which can have negative health effects, he explained.

The newspaper asked the doctor for further comment. DiNicorantino isn’t the only medical expert to warn about low salt intake and sleep deprivation.

Ageist article We explained that adrenaline helps the body, so when sodium levels in the body drop, a person’s adrenal glands respond by producing more adrenaline. Adrenaline triggers your body’s fight-or-flight response, which doesn’t lead to a restful night’s sleep.

Too little salt in your body can trigger the “fight or flight” response, which can negatively impact your sleep. Daniel Vincek – Stock.adobe.com

If your salt levels are low, you’re likely to go to the bathroom more often, and in some cases, during the night. When you’re low on sodium, your body produces less ADH, the antidiuretic hormone. ADH helps you hold in your pee while you sleep.

american heart association recommends consuming about 2,300 mg of sodium per day. The average American takes 3,400 mg.

Experts have warned that a diet with too much salt can be bad for your health. High sodium can cause high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.

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