Home Fitness This Guy Did 100 Burpees Every Day for 30 Days

This Guy Did 100 Burpees Every Day for 30 Days

by Universalwellnesssystems

Australian YouTuber Rory Shaw takes on a number of 30-day fitness challenges on his channel, training intensively in Muay Thai, Krav Maga, Olympic sprinting, running and more to see how much progress he can make in a month. I’m trying. In one of his recent videos, Shaw takes on a new mission. Burpees are a famously difficult bodyweight exercise that originated as a physical fitness test for the military, but have since become popular as a conditioning exercise that trains the entire body.

While he was traveling and couldn’t get to the gym regularly, Shaw set himself the challenge of doing 100 reps every day for a month and tracked the impact of repetitive exercise on his visible physique and real-world performance. doing.

“It’s obviously a combination of push-ups, shoulder and chest muscles, and aerobic exercise,” he says.

On the first day, he completed all 100 burpees in 10 minutes and 40 seconds, which he hopes to improve on in the coming weeks. However, he does not notice linear progress day by day. “There are certainly days when I feel better, and there are days when it’s harder,” he says. “But the actual difference in day-to-day progress was less pronounced, and in that sense it became more of a mental game.”

Also, burpees never felt easier, and while getting into the habit of doing them every morning became less difficult, the physical act itself was still tiring every time.

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On day 30, the show ran 100 repetitions and finally saw some improvement. He completed the workout in exactly his 7 minutes, reducing his first time by 3 minutes and 40 seconds.

“I’m very excited about it,” he says. “Let’s stop doing burpees for a while!”

Philip Ellis is the next news editor. men’s health, covering fitness, pop culture, sex and relationships, and LGBTQ+ issues. His work has appeared in GQ, Teen Vogue, Man Repeller, and MTV, and he is the author of the following books: Love scams and other scams.

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