Home Fitness This 3-Week Walking Challenge Will Give Your Walk a Boost

This 3-Week Walking Challenge Will Give Your Walk a Boost

by Universalwellnesssystems

No matter how much you love to walk, a small change in your routine can make a difference. This is pretty amazing considering how healthy this low-impact exercise is already. “Here are some of the benefits of walking for cheering,” he says. Teddy SavageNational Lead Trainer planet fitness. “Walking helps the heart by maintaining healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels, improves mood, and keeps bones, joints and muscles strong.”

The key is to get out of there — and keep to go out there. To help with that, we created this simple 3-week challenge for her. “Walking can be more of an adventure, and it’s easier than you think,” says Savage.

Are you in the mood to walk more? Join us for a preventive wellness walk on October 7th. It’s a virtual 5K you can run anywhere. Sign up for free and be part of a community committed to personal health and wellness!

Week 1 Challenge: Harness Mindfulness

“Mindful walking can improve your focus by bringing your attention to the present moment,” explains Lindsay Benoit O’Connell, founder of CSCS. The Lab Wellness. Here’s how to walk consciously.

Notice how it moves. “Be aware of your body and all of its movements: how you swing your arms, how your feet tread the pavement, how your lungs fill with air,” advises O’Connell.

Hear the sounds around you:“Listen to what is around you. Then focus on the sounds of birds, the sound of the wind, just one sound. Let it go,” says O’Connell.

Take a closer look. “Accept that,” says O’Connell. Notice the details in the bark of the trees, admire the color of the petals, observe the patterns in the clouds.

Week 2 Challenge: Sneak More Steps

The more steps you take each day, the more exercise you do, which helps keep your organs, muscles, and everything else healthy and strong. Here are two of Savage’s favorite “additional step” hacks.

chase the sun “Watching the sunrise or sunset is poetic and well worth going the extra mile to find the perfect vantage point,” says Savage. “Choose an area a little further out than your usual route. Go there on your daily walk a few times a week and watch your steps increase.”

relinquish control “Pets and children are often the best adventure companions. Let them guide you to places of interest,” says Savage.

Week 3 Challenge: Increase Intensity

Regular moderate-intensity exercise improves brain and immune system function, helps you sleep better, and even helps you live longer. To encourage walking:

Increase speed. Walk for 5 minutes, brisk walk for 2-3 minutes, and return to normal pace for 5 minutes. “Space out as much as possible during your walk,” says Savage.

Add more movement. Activities like those you do in the gym or living room will improve your endurance and range of motion, and strengthen your muscles. Do a series of lunges, squats, skips and jumping jacks every few blocks.

Carry some weight. Use light dumbbells or a heavy backpack jetty pack It will positively stress your muscles and heart and improve your health.

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