Home Fitness These TikTokers Exercised 9 Hours a Day, For 3.5 Months. Here’s How Their Bodies Changed

These TikTokers Exercised 9 Hours a Day, For 3.5 Months. Here’s How Their Bodies Changed

by Universalwellnesssystems

Renee Miller and Tim Beissinger ( @Slew Hikers) has embarked on a big adventure for 2022. This meant she ran over 2,700 miles of canoeing and hiking routes in 106 days across the Pacific Northwest, all of which she decided to document on TikTok.

The couple shared all the details, including how they planned and dehydrated their meals, how they hauled their canoes across streams, and even how Miller did it. Manage her period while she’s on the trail.

But one of the TikToks that got the most engagement was the TikTok that chronicled how her body changed while traveling. videohas been viewed more than 7 million times since it was posted in October 2022, and what happened to Miller and Bysinger, who averaged 9 hours and 15 minutes of exercise a day for three and a half months. Dig into what happened.

The “PNC: Changing Body” video was inspired in part by the curiosity of its followers. After watching the two take on such a gigantic physical challenge, multiple commenters wanted to know, “How much weight did you lose?” So Miller and Weissinger spelled out exactly how that momentum changed your body.

“A lot of people asked me if I lost weight, and that was a common question in our videos,” Miller told POPSUGAR. I noticed that our bodies are change.”

The PNC route initially hiked approximately 1,600 miles (approximately 20 miles per day) over 72.5 days from northwest Washington to Canada. She then paddled back to the Pacific along the entire Columbia River, and she traveled about 1,200 miles in 33.5 days (about 35 miles per day).

They detailed how long walks flattened their feet (in the end, they both increased their overall shoe size!). How did you get a sunburn when you were outside, even though you were wearing sunscreen? How bushwhacking left me with random cuts and bruises. And when I walked or paddled, I got blisters and calluses on my feet and hands.

As Bysinger notes on TikTok, they also admitted to losing almost all of their body fat over the course of the journey and “starting to look pretty skinny”. I was. Then in arms during the canoeing portion of the trip.

In fact, after about a week of paddling, Beissinger says he was actually shocked when he changed his shirt. “I had this huge growth on my arm that was my muscle,” Bysinger told POPSUGAR with a laugh. I was really surprised when I realized that I was growing in a direction that I had never grown before.”

In the end, we both lost 5 pounds because we lost body fat but gained muscle mass.

However, they were careful to point out that these changes are not permanent. “Now we’re back to work sitting in front of our computers all day. It’s unrealistic to maintain the bodies we built, but exercising outdoors at least once a day can help us travel.” I’m trying to stay healthy in between tiktok.

“A lot of people asked if I lost weight, and that was a common question in our videos,” Miller says. “But we realized it was more than just weight loss. Our bodies are change.

Look at this!

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“Another thing we’ve documented on both of these hikes that many on TikTok have seen is how much we eat in a day when we’re there,” Beissinger said POPSUGAR. “This is not a weight loss trip. It’s an eat all you can see trip,” he says. I presumed that I was eating calories.

In fact, Beissinger and Miller say they couldn’t eat enough to stay active, especially in the early days of the trip.At first, a huge amount of exercise makes you the following I’m hungry, says Weissinger. But “after being there for two months, I’m always hungry and always wanting to eat more,” adds Miller.

The couple’s candid approach to weight loss questions is refreshing in a wellness culture that often sees exercise as a tool for weight loss above all else. It’s a reminder that exercise (whether it’s a casual lunchtime walk or a three-month trek) is fun and fulfilling in itself.Needless to say, the body intention It fluctuates (as does your activity level), but that’s okay.

Thru Hikers say returning to a desk job wasn’t easy. “There’s a phenomenon that people call ‘post-trail blues,’ which is, in many ways, like a four-month vacation, when you switch from going out on one of these ultra-long trails. You Exactly, I’m happy, it’s a lot of fun, but normal life can feel mundane and boring, and it’s hard,” says Beissinger.

In November 2022, months after returning to normal, he admitted he was still going through that adjustment period. “When you hike 25 miles (25 miles) every day, you feel like you’ve accomplished something. At work, there are days when I feel like I’ve accomplished something, and days when I feel like I haven’t. And while it’s just part of life, it can be hard to get used to it again.

And yes, it’s sad to lose that muscular physique since returning, says Bysinger, but it was to be expected. But as I said in that video, I accept that it’s not realistic and it’s not a good ideal to strive for.I’m at peak fitness 365 days a year.”

Image Source: Courtesy of Tim Beissinger

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