Home Nutrition These Drinks Are Sneaky Sources of Caffeine

These Drinks Are Sneaky Sources of Caffeine

by Universalwellnesssystems

Of all the substances humans use to enhance, alter, inhibit, or circumvent various aspects of our existence, caffeine is one of the most amazing.Does the recognition of it make you anxious? you literally can’t function Without a caffeine jolt as an adult? Sure sometimes. But for most of us, caffeine is a relatively harmless energy boost with few downsides.

Except when sleeping.caffeine is delicious an effective stimulant, too much can negatively affect sleep.Studies show that large amounts of caffeine even 6 hours before bed You may find it difficult to fall asleep and sleep quality may be poor. For those who have a little trouble sleeping, the solution is usually to stop consuming caffeine at certain points during the day. This would be a great strategy if caffeine hadn’t been discovered in some surprising places recently.

How much is too much?

We are all different, but most humans are about 400 milligrams of everyday No visible harm. For reference, A standard 8-ounce cup of coffee contains nearly 100 milligrams of caffeinemost energy drinks hover around 70-75 milligrams, tea contains nearly 50 milligrams, and cola contains about 22 milligrams (each example, of course, contains much more or much more). There are few examples in ).

When we think of caffeine, we think of an obvious culprit. That’s coffee, tea, soda, chocolate, and anything that uses them as an ingredient. When it comes to sleep, a few milligrams of caffeine in a cookie or bowl of cereal probably won’t interfere with your sleep, but if you’re having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, you may be unknowingly using caffeine. Please make sure you are not ingesting These amazing caffeinated foods contain caffeine.

pain reliever

caffeine is Often used to enhance the effects of pain relievers Something like acetaminophen (the main ingredient in Tylenol). The effective amount of caffeine in pain relievers is usually over 100 milligrams (However, some pain relievers that contain caffeine are used in lesser doses.) So taking a few before bed to relieve back stiffness and headaches to help you sleep is less than a cup of coffee. It can actually backfire because you may be taking a comparable amount. caffeine value.

orange soda and root beer

If you’re like me, you grew up with the rule of thumb for caffeine and soda: cola = caffeine, citrus = no caffeine. But surprise! Some orange-flavored sodas actually contain caffeine. For example, Sunkist Orange Soda contains: 19 milligrams of caffeine per 12 fl oz. This isn’t a huge intake, but a few sodas a few hours before bedtime add up to even more. Similarly, most root beers are caffeine-free, but some brands such as Barq’s do. 22 milligrams of caffeine per 12 oz. In other words, it’s important to always check before unlocking.

some flavored water

If you hate drinking plain water and always opt for flavors to brighten up your water, you might think it’s caffeine-free. And maybe you are right. Some flavored (and unflavored) water brands advertise added caffeine, but it’s easy enough to avoid them. Where euphemisms can be used to stumble in the flavored water realm. If your flavored water name contains terms like “energy” or “boost,” double check your ingredient list.

Similarly, you can also take cues from those materials. coffee flavored energy bar Usually high in caffeine, flavored waters infused with coffee or tea can pack a punch, even if they’re not advertised as containing caffeine. For example, the AHA brand of flavored water has three products with either black or green tea in the formula, resulting in: About 30 milligrams of caffeine.it is not many Contains caffeine, but increases in total.

Green Tea

Green tea isn’t as serious as black tea, but that doesn’t mean it’s caffeine-free. Ingredients in the average green tea About 25 milligrams of caffeine per 8 ounces (The amount of a particular type of green tea or formulations that use it varies from 12 milligrams to over 75 milligrams.) Bottom line: If you crave a nice cup of green tea before bed, double check before brewing.


Despite being a tea, most people don’t associate kombucha with caffeine. However, most kombucha contains small but noticeable amounts of caffeine, 8 to 14 milligrams range. It’s probably not enough to ruin your evening on its own, but if you’re already consuming a lot of caffeine during the day, it might be enough to push you over the edge. Likewise, a few too many drinks before heading home can leave you staring at the ceiling for hours.

Sleep is essential to good health, so it’s important to avoid anything that might interfere with a good night’s sleep. For some products, it requires a little research work.

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