Home Fitness The Ultimate Guide to Advanced Training Techniques (for All Experience Levels)

The Ultimate Guide to Advanced Training Techniques (for All Experience Levels)

by Universalwellnesssystems

Whether you’re new to training or a seasoned weight room veteran, you can spice up your routine with advanced training techniques. There are many reasons why advanced techniques can have a wonderful effect on anyone’s routine. Perhaps you don’t have time to dedicate to a traditional workout, a change of scenery is motivating you, or maybe you’re just interested in trying something new. .

Whatever the reason, it can be difficult to understand what advanced training techniques are available and how best to incorporate them, so the most common advanced training methods anyone can use If programmed correctly, it offers many of the same muscle-building benefits as traditional straight set training in a fraction of the time, effectively eliminating the pesky plateaus you encounter. can break down.

Advanced training techniques come in many fitness flavors. Supersets, dropsets, traditional rest poses and cluster sets are the most popular. Let’s take a look at each of these and find out how to properly program them into your routines!


Supersets are a great way to get more work done when time is limited. They involve performing two exercises quickly (forming couplets) with little or no rest in between. Supersets work the same muscle group or opposite muscle groups (agonist/antagonist). There are no rests between couplets that consist of any of the exercises themselves. It’s also easy to program as it has a set/rep range similar to straight set training.

It is recommended to choose an agonist/antagonist superset (e.g. biceps: triceps or quadriceps: hamstrings combinations) as it uses two exercises of the same muscle group. cause more pain, Less work and no additional benefit may require more recovery. On the other hand, hostile, Does not adversely affect training volume or muscle activity.

As an example, you could program a superset of 4 sets of 10 repetitions of a biceps curl and a tricep overhead extension. In fact, he does 10 bicep curls and immediately jumps to his 10 extensions of his overhead triceps, with no rest between the two exercises. When both exercises are completed in a row, it is considered one set and rests like a normal set before moving on to the second round of his four sets mentioned above.


exercise set manager tempo holiday
A1. Biceps curl Four Ten 201
A2. Triceps Overhead Extension Four Ten 201 1.5 minutes

drop set

Drop sets are one of my favorite ways to fully work my muscles and are especially beneficial when it comes to improving lagging musculature.they really force you exhaust the muscles Worked efficiently.

To perform drop sets, after completing the first set in the traditional way, immediately lower the weight lifted by 25-50% and perform the second set until momentary muscle failure occurs. Then (optionally) reduce the load a third time by 25-50%. Weigh the second set and perform the final set to instant muscle weakness.

With this you will have one traditional set where 1-2 “drops” count as one overall drop set. Rest as long after each drop set as you would between traditional sets.

traditional rest pose

rest pose another great way to increase the amount of work. Displayed Provides similar strength and size improvements compared to traditional sets while reducing total training time.

Rest poses transform one set into multiple mini-sets with little rest between each set (typically 15-30 seconds). Techniques vary from coach to coach, so I’m sharing my method to help you set either hypertrophy or strength.

for hypertrophy, it is recommended to aim at the rep target. The number of reps you achieve in the first mini set will determine how many reps you’ll do in combination throughout the rest and pause sets. For one maximum rep she chooses a weight of 80-85%. Take that weight and lift it until you fail, then record the number of reps you complete. mini sets combined for a total rep target of 16). Rest for 15-20 seconds, then fail the second mini set. Add the number of reps achieved in that second mini-set to the number of reps in the first mini-set. Repeat the lift and rest cycle until you reach your rep goal for the entire set of rests and pauses.

for strength, aiming for a goal of 10-12 reps. Choose a weight that is 85-93% of your maximum single weight. Perform one rep per mini-set, rest for 20-30 seconds, then repeat the cycle until you reach your rep goal.

I generally don’t do multiple rest sets per exercise.

cluster set

Cluster sets are distinct variations of rests and poses, with few rests (usually 10-15 seconds) between exercises within triplets. Each triplet ultimately counts as one set of programming. Similar to the Rest Pause, each triplet results in temporary muscle failure.

Various schemes are used for cluster sets, but typically 3-5 sets of 1-5 iterations. To increase training demand, advance the volume of either sets or reps weekly for 4-8 weeks.

As an example of the scheme I use, let’s start with a front squat cluster set. Choose a weight that is very difficult for 2 reps. Start the triplet with 2 repetitions, rest for 15 seconds, do 2 more repetitions with the same weight, rest for 15 seconds, and finally repeat oje. to complete the first set of clusters for a total of three times. After each completed cluster set, rest as you would between traditional sets.


exercise set manager rest in set holiday
Week 1 – Front Squat 3 2-2-1 Rest 15 seconds.between personnel 2 minutes
Week 2 – Front Squat 3 2-2-2 Rest 15 seconds.between personnel 2 minutes
Week 3 – Front Squat 3 3-2-2 Rest 15 seconds.between personnel 2 minutes
Week 4 – Front Squat Four 3-2-2 Rest 15 seconds.between personnel 2 minutes

Time to hit the gym with advanced training techniques

There it is! If you’re behind on your progress or just want to try something new, we have a variety of new tools for your training toolbox. We recommend using just one or two of these in each individual training cycle, but feel free to mix and match as needed.

Over time you will be able to try them all and find what works best for you. Happy lifting!

Allan Bacon (DDS) is an online personal trainer who specializes in training powerlifters and body composition clients. @drallambacon or mauiathletics.com.

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