Home Mental Health The Surgeon General’s New Mission: Adolescent Mental Health

The Surgeon General’s New Mission: Adolescent Mental Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

In December 2021, Public Health Director Vivek Murthy issued a rare warning. Mental health problems are having a “devastating effect” among young people. His statement states that from 2001 to 2019, suicide rates among young Americans aged 10 to 19 increased by 40%, and emergency room visits for self-harm increased by 88. announced when it increased by %.

Recently, Dr. Mercy has used his position to highlight the issue, as surgeon Dr. C. Everett Koop famously spoke about the dangers associated with smoking in the 1980s. Dr. Murthy has taken his tour of sorts listening, talking to his groups of students, health care workers, and communities across the country.

He recently spoke with The New York Times about the growing interest in the issue. This conversation has been edited for clarity and brevity.

You describe mental health as “the defining public health crisis of our time.” why?

I believe that mental health is the fuel that allows us to show up for community, friends, family, and life. It impairs your ability to show up at work or school.

Other generations are facing mental health issues. something different today?

There are worse things. Not only does it improve power. Yes, there is a growing willingness to talk about mental health, which has contributed to the increase in reports. they are real. Something is causing more pain and despair.

You have pointed out many causes. These include stigma and inadequate treatment resources that prevent young people from seeking help. What other causes do you see?

There are factors driving mental health crises that must be addressed if we really want to get to the root of the problem. The fact that bullying takes place online as well as offline. The fact that our child is surrounded by his 24/7 informational environment often inspires fear and anxiety.

And when young people think about the future, they are unaware of the serious threats we face today, such as violence, racism and climate change, but they are not finding effective solutions. It is also driven by facts.

By information environment, do you mean social media?

Young people, especially early adolescents, are in a sensitive stage of development. Their brains are developing, their relationships with others are developing, and so is their identity and self-esteem. And now, when I talk to young people on the street, they consistently tell me three things about social media. It makes me feel bad about their friendship. And they can’t get off of it.

This should come as no surprise. This is because these platforms are designed to maximize the time people spend on them, and not necessarily how they are able to make the most of that time or how well they are supported in building healthy relationships. Not only do adolescents spend a lot of time on social media each day, they also spend a lot of time away from sleep, exercise, socializing, schoolwork, and other activities that may bring them joy. is also taking time.

Also, many people often feel bad about themselves because they are exposed to harmful content on social media or because they are immersed in a culture where they constantly compare themselves to other people’s profiles and posts. I have. This is despite the fact that what we see on social media is not always an accurate reflection.

These platforms also allow young people to connect and explore different ideas. How do you view the tension between information overload and exploration and freedom of expression?

People’s lives today are much more complex than they were 20 or 100 years ago. I don’t think we need to go back 100 years. But the more choices we have, the more important the anchor values ​​that guide our definition of success become. What are the values ​​that guide us as a society in moments like this?

What is the relationship between values ​​and mental health?

Values ​​are the filters you use to help you make decisions when faced with choices. But our values ​​also inform what we aspire to in life.

Young people tell me they feel caught up in the hustle culture. What they told me was that they felt called upon to pursue a particular end. And not only did many of them say they were exhausted, they weren’t sure if it would bring them happiness. Are you encouraging people to pursue things that really lead to their happiness and fulfillment?

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