Home Fitness The Strict Press: How To, Benefits, Variations, Workout

The Strict Press: How To, Benefits, Variations, Workout

by Universalwellnesssystems

Many people ask themselves and others if you can teach an old dog new tricks. The question also applies in reverse: can a young puppy learn classic tricks? In this case, can a young lifter benefit from old-school lifting like the strict press exercise?

What you need to know about strict reporting

The strict press is a basic shoulder press that works your shoulders, triceps, and chest a little bit. It also strengthens your core. You know what it doesn’t do? Your legs. At least, your legs don’t work as hard as you’d like them to.

This version of the shoulder press requires leg stability, but it’s designed to isolate your deltoids and triceps, so they work in isolation. This is important because stronger shoulders mean stronger whole body.

Strongman and powerlifting legend Nick Best He’s a big fan of the strict press, as it’s a move that has served him well in both strength sports. The former Masters World’s Strongest Man has had to lift a variety of axles, logs and circus dumbbells throughout his career, and he’s bench pressed 529 pounds in competition. He feels the strict press is a move that would benefit many athletes competing today.

“If a[strongman]competitor doesn’t develop foundational strength and relies on momentum, that strength won’t be useful when they fatigue,” Best says, “but if they’ve developed stability and strength in the strong press, they can use that strength in the bigger lifts where they might need leg strength at the end.”

Best gave the example of athletes competing in the 2023 Official Strongman Games. In one event, they were asked to perform standing presses using a yoke with a rocker at the bottom, which was unstable and unnatural. Many athletes were unable to complete all the required repetitions, but some were able to. Best felt that a harder press would have helped those who were struggling.

“You see players who are struggling need the stability and strength that comes from being under intense pressure, and they didn’t have that. All they need is power and strength.”

How to do a strict press

Hold the weights of your choice (barbell, dumbbells, or a standing machine) in your hands and stand up straight at shoulder height with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed, and legs straight (but don’t completely lock your knees).

Take a deep breath and begin to press the weight up over your head without bending your knees or gaining momentum. Keep looking straight ahead throughout this movement as looking up can put unnecessary stress on your neck.

Once your arms are straight, exhale and hold this position for a moment. Slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. Don’t drop or lower the weight so fast that you lose your balance. You should be able to maintain the position throughout the entire movement. Once the weight is back in the starting position, you can repeat or lower the weight when your set is complete.

Common Strict Press Variations

There are multiple methods of strict pressing, each with their own unique advantages in both strength and size.


This is the most popular method and can be done with the barbell at shoulder height in a squat rack, so you don’t have to clear it off the floor. You can also do it with the barbell in front of you, or behind-the-neck press with the barbell on your shoulders like in a squat. If you have shoulder problems, opt for the front version.

Specialty Bar

Strongman and strongwomen competitors have to push unusual apparatus like logs with handles or large diameter axle bars. Bodybuilders don’t need to use these apparatus to see improvements in their shoulders, but there’s no harm in using them.


Doing this with two dumbbells means each side will perform its own exercise without the help of the other. You can also do this with one dumbbell for unilateral shoulder exercises, which will allow you to improve your strength and balance development if needed.


Some gyms have Smith machines that are tall enough, but there are also Viking press machines made for this purpose.

Strongman and powerlifting legend Nick Best performing the strict press exercise
Nick Best

Examples of shoulder training using the strict press

Give this workout a try during your next push or shoulder training session, and you’ll feel much better about your deltoid potential afterwards. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

Strict coverage: Two easy sets of 4-6 repetitions, then three work sets of 6, 4, and 2 repetitions.

Front Barbell Raise: 3 sets of 8 repetitions

One-Arm Lateral Raise: 3 sets of 8 repetitions

Upright Row: 3 sets of 8 repetitions

Rear Delta Fly: 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions

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