Home Fitness The strict anti-aging routine of a 45-year-old CEO from diet to exercise

The strict anti-aging routine of a 45-year-old CEO from diet to exercise

by Universalwellnesssystems

Blueprint founder and CEO Bryan Johnson wants to put his body on “autopilot” to reverse his age. Dustin Jaranza

recently luck interviewtech CEO Bylan Johnson, whose $2 million reverse aging regimen made headlines on the internet, says he wants to live longer to enjoy more of what life has to offer.

“I love life,” says Johnson. His stringent medical interventions have given him 37-year-old heart health, 28-year-old skin, and 18-year-old lung capacity, according to his team. doctor’s. “If we can dramatically demonstrate that aging can be slowed down and reversed, it will change everything for humanity.”

He adds: no. “

A few years ago, Johnson says he got his flight license and learned to fly an airplane.

“I was amazed at how well the autopilot flew the plane,” he says. “I wondered if I could build an autopilot for me and my body.” To do that, he has turned to medicine and technology.

Brian Johnson’s daily routine

His fascination led him to adhere to a rigorous approach with the goal of reversing aging with the help of a team of 30 people ranging from nutritionists to MRI specialists. He undergoes daily body fat scans, regular his MRIs, and often invasive blood and stool sample tests to confirm the biological age of his organs.

He says he incorporates 100 different protocols a day. Johnson says he consumes 1,977 calories a day to be exact, and in a month he consumes over 70 pounds of vegetables. His breakfast consisted of the standard combination of broccoli, cauliflower, black lentils, mushrooms, garlic and ginger, followed by a meal of “nut pudding” with nuts and berries, and finally vegetables, berries, nuts, Seeds (15 grams of 100% dark chocolate and 30 milliliters of extra virgin olive oil). He admits to quitting his three ounces of red wine a day that he was consuming to meet the metric.

Waking up at 4:30 each morning, Johnson completes 35 different exercises and makes a list of supplements. It’s all part of his blueprint project, where he measures the health of organs to determine aging rates. He says he plans to continue this regimen forever.

“Walking Experiment”

However, the data and the impact of his efforts on his biological age are preliminary.

Aging and longevity experts are drawn to Johnson’s efforts, but the discipline and money required to maintain a routine, not to mention the limited science behind Johnson’s choices. given the level of

In many ways, he is a “walking experiment.” longevity expert, Blue Zone LLCsaid before luckHe adds that it’s still “remarkable” now, but 10 years from now the results will be more fruitful.

“I applaud anyone who is using science to try to live longer … Ultimately there will be interventions that make huge leaps in life expectancy,” he says. “I don’t think he’s come yet.”

But the uncertainty over whether Johnson’s approach will succeed doesn’t seem to bother him. “Is the Fountain of Youth here and now hiding behind tens of thousands of scientific publications and really hard work?” he says.

Wealthy CEOs don’t mind being guinea pigs.

“Let’s play endless games together,” he says luckThis does not come from fear. It all comes from an absolute joy in life and the belief that there is something grander waiting for us in our next evolution. ”

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