Home Nutrition The Smartest Way to Quickly Lose Fat (Mini Cuts Explained)

The Smartest Way to Quickly Lose Fat (Mini Cuts Explained)

by Universalwellnesssystems

Check out the smartest way to lose fat fast, explained by Jeremy Ethier. Now is the time to transform your body and physique.

The smartest way to lose fat fast

“This video covers the transition from lean to shredded in just six weeks. Here’s the science behind the mini-cut, why it works so well in losing fat faster (but it’s hard for people to keep going), and how we changed our diet and training to make it easier. , and explain what I did. I then did it to maintain the results of the mini-cut. Ultimately, you’ll know exactly how to implement them to quickly lose and maintain fat.

What is mini-cut?

“At Mini-Cut, you aim to lose about 1-1.25% of your body weight per week, for a total of 4-6 weeks. , you can lose fat quickly.

sauce: Photo credit: CrossFit Inc.

“And even if you do manage to make it through, you’ll easily regain the fat you lost as soon as you’re done because of the changes your body goes through during a mini-cut. I’ll show you the exact tweaks I made to and then what I did to make sure I lost less fat so I could do the same.

The smartest way to lose fat fast – Workout

“Let’s start with training. For weights, before the mini-cut, I was lifting five times a week using split five-day workouts from the Building With Science Intermediate program. A calorie deficit means you have far less fuel to energize your workouts and support recovery.

“This can quickly lead to excessive fatigue and weakness. To avoid this, I switched from the Built With Science Intermediate Program to a four-day workout and eliminated one set from all exercises in my routine. did.”

Smart Ways to Lose Fat Fast – Cardio

“In terms of cardio, before the mini-cut I was averaging 10,000 steps a day and doing 20 minutes of HIIT twice a week. Instead of having to rely solely on reducing calories for the sake of my weight loss, my goal was to increase my overall activity even more in order to burn more calories each day. First, taking more walks throughout the day and frequent use of this under-desk treadmill in my office, then doing two 20-minute HIIT sessions. I replaced it with something more restorative: light cycling for 30 minutes three to four times a week.”

The smartest way to lose fat fast – diet adjustments

“Now the dietary tweaks I made during the lean-to-shredded conversion process. I was strategic about which specific foods to eat less. Instead of drastically reducing the amount, we brought the fat intake closer to its minimum amount.

Ana Maria Valladares Arriaga smiles at the camera at the gymsauce: Courtesy of Ana Valladares

“In addition to this, I strategically timed my carbohydrate intake to maximize performance and recovery. It kept me feeling full and allowed me to eat about the same meal as before the mini-cut, but with far fewer calories. I was trying to eat low-calorie desserts.”

Smart way to lose fat fast – Lose Fat

“But while these dietary changes were key to helping me lose fat quickly and sustainably over six weeks, what I did afterwards helped me maintain my Mini-Cut results, and most This is where people fail. Why?”

“First, it has to do with your metabolism. There’s also data suggesting that less activity makes it harder to control hunger, making it easier to overeat after a diet. You are expected to be 200 calories lower, so stay active by doing things you enjoy and can sustain, and watch your weight.Your weight comes primarily from water due to the increase in food you eat. You’ll gain a pound or two at first, but it will soon stabilize, indicating that you’ve found the right balance.

Video – The smartest way to lose fat fast

Details – The smartest way to lose fat fast

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Your core muscles are located in the center of your body, just below your ribcage and above your hips. Core muscles are important for maintaining balance, posture and strength.

transversus abdominis

of transversus abdominis (or TVA) is located in the deepest layer of the abdominal wall and extends from the pubic bone to the lower ribcage. This muscle helps stabilize the spine by supporting it against various forces that can injure or strain it.

The TVA is active during activities that require impact protection or load bearing, such as heavy lifting or running. As you tighten this muscle, you will notice a sucking sensation on the inside of your abdomen. This muscle is sometimes called the “core stabilizer” because its purpose is to keep everything else stable and upright.

While this muscle can be strengthened with exercises such as sit-ups, moving around throughout the day between activities such as walking around campus, or even just standing at an easel, involves many other abdominal muscles to support the spine. It is important to note that Draw something beautiful!

internal oblique position

The internal oblique muscle is a muscle that extends from below the ribs to the hip bone. It has a role in lateral bending and rotation, breathing, spinal stabilization, and twisting and bending movements.

This muscle is involved in many different types of movements.

  • Twist – When rotating to one side while keeping the spine straight or bent back and forth. This movement occurs when you twist your upper body (such as swinging your arm around) without moving your hips. This muscle is also used when rolling over in bed (twisting at this point).
  • Bending – Bending forward at any angle (flexion) or bending backward at any angle (extension).

external oblique muscle

The external oblique muscle is the muscle on the side of the abdomen. It helps rotate and flex the trunk and compresses the abdominal organs to keep them from sagging. It also helps stabilize your spine if you live life with heavy loads.

rectus abdominis

The rectus abdominis is the most superficial muscle of the abdominal wall and is also called the “six pack”. It runs vertically and is responsible for bending the spine. In addition, it is also involved in breathing.

Benefits of the Snatch Balance Core and Abs Workout Ab Crunchsauce: Stevie D Photos

spinal erector

The erector spinae are a group of muscles that extend the spine. Also called sacral myelopathy. The erector spinae is made up of three separate muscles:

  • longissimus thorax
  • thoracic spine
  • lumbar iliocostalis muscle


  • Origin: A thin aponeurosis (extended tendon) that begins behind the iliac crest, runs posterolateral to the pubic symphysis, and inserts on the oblique line of the abdominal wall.
  • Insertion: aponeurosis attached to the oblique line from the anterior superior iliac spine to the inguinal ligament.
  • Action: Bending and rotating the trunk laterally. Stabilize your pelvis when walking or running.
  • Common injuries: involve external rotation of the thigh and flexion of the hip; strains most commonly occur in muscles such as the iliopsoas, tensor fasciae lata, gluteus maximus, and piriformis.

psoas major

The psoas major is the muscle that connects the spine to the femur. Involved in hip flexion and thigh extension. It is one of the most important muscles in the body and plays an important role in posture by stabilizing the pelvis when standing and walking.

The psoas major plays a major role in core strength as it connects directly to the spine (center) via many tendons and ligaments. The stronger your psoas, hamstrings, and glutes, the more stable you will be when performing heavy weight exercises like squats and deadlifts.


Overall, core muscles are essential to the functioning of our body.

They help us stay upright and stable during physical activity.

The transversus abdominis is important for breathing and inhaling food. It also helps regulate blood pressure and digestion by contracting when you eat or drink something cold.

The internal oblique muscles work alongside the external oblique muscles to provide stability along the sides of the body. It runs from one side of the spine to the waist.

The erector spinae muscles run from your head to your feet and provide support and movement when bending over or lifting objects off the floor (such as heavy furniture).

Finally, there is the psoas major muscle, which attaches directly to the hipbone via a tendon called the fascia.

Use the tips above to transform your body.

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