Home Fitness The Secret to Building Stronger Arms

The Secret to Building Stronger Arms

by Universalwellnesssystems

There’s nothing wrong with liking the look of strong, toned arms. But the benefits of having strong arms go far beyond aesthetics. “Arm strength is essential because it helps with everyday activities like opening bottles, carrying bags of groceries, and lifting suitcases into overhead bins. [of an airplane]” holly lowther, NASM certified personal trainer. “Most movements that strengthen your upper body also strengthen your back muscles and help correct bad posture.”

Having strong arms has also been linked to positive health outcomes. nicole thompson, ACE certified personal trainer. “Engaging in weight-bearing arm exercises can improve bone density and reduce your risk of osteoporosis and other bone-related problems.” Fortunately, there are arm exercises that will help you build strong arms quickly. There is no shortage of them. But which methods are most effective and which ones suit your individual needs?

To help you get started on your journey to powerful weapons, we’ve compiled a list of expert tips and insights to help you build powerful weapons in no time. Here’s what you need to know about how to build arm strength safely and effectively.

understand arm muscles

To properly strengthen your arm muscles, it’s important to understand what they do and how they work. In addition to arm muscles, shoulder and chest muscles are also involved in common arm exercises, so it’s important to understand their role. The major muscle groups in the arm include:

  • Biceps: These muscles in the front of the upper arm control elbow flexion and forearm rotation.
  • Triceps: The triceps muscle starts at the shoulder and runs down the back of the upper arm to the elbow. These muscles control the extension of the shoulder, the extension of the arm forward, and the movement of the arm backward.
  • Deltoids: These muscles surround the shoulder and support upward arm movement and rotation.
  • forearm: The forearm muscles are made up of five deep muscle layers that support wrist and finger movements.

8 Exercises to strengthen your arms

Building strong arms can be done with or without equipment. Here we detail some of the most common arm exercises in both categories.

biceps curl

To properly perform a bicep curl, hold dumbbells with your palms facing your sides. “Bend your elbows and slowly raise the weight, one arm at a time, focusing on the mind-muscle connection,” says dynamic personal trainer Sarah Pope. lifetime. “Keep your elbows close to your body. Then slowly lower your weight to the starting position.”

farmer carry

To perform a farmer carry, Pope says, place a set of dumbbells or kettlebells on the floor in front of you. “Squat down at chest height and grab each side. Engage your core and stand tall. Step forward and walk at a normal pace. Raise your head and engage your core. , focus on your shoulders back, triceps, forearms, and core. ”

tricep extension

Tricep extensions begin by standing with your feet hip-width apart, shoulder-width apart on a cable machine, and holding a straight bar attachment at chest height, Pope says. “Keeping your elbows at your sides and your upper body and neck relaxed, begin by inhaling. First, as you exhale, stretch your arms toward the floor while pressing into the backs of your arms. Inhale Return the bar to the starting position. ”


Start by keeping your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, and elbows close to your hips, Roeser says. “Wrap a moderate resistance band around a chair or doorknob and pull it toward your body with your palms facing each other.”

lat pulldown

Sit on the lat pulldown machine and adjust the pads to match your thigh height, Pope says. “Next, stand up, hold the bar shoulder-width apart, and sit down. Pull the bar down to chin height, then lower it back down (with control) for the desired number of reps.”


To do a plank, Pope says, lie face down on the floor. “Place your hands flat on the floor in line with your shoulders. Contract your abdominals and glutes before beginning the movement. Press into the ground with your forearms, hands, and toes and slowly lower your body until your body is straight. “I’ll wake you up” line. ”

The goal is to lift your entire body off the ground at once, Pope says. “When you feel it in your lower back, tighten your core even more and pull your pelvis inward.”

push ups

If you’re new to push-ups, find a stable, elevated surface like a coffee table, countertop or bench and place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, says Kayla Sisson, NASM-certified personal trainer and training director. is advising. limit, a professional dancer. “Take a few steps back so your body is resting on the surface of the water. Keep your core tight and inhale as you bend your elbows at a 45-degree angle and lower your body to the surface. As you exhale, lower your body to the surface. Lower your arms as low as possible before extending them.” Return your arms to the starting position. ”

wall push ups

Another variation for beginners includes wall push-ups, which also build arm strength, Roeser said. “Start by placing your hands on a wall shoulder-width apart, feet hip-width apart and toes pointed up. Lower your chest as low as possible toward the wall, keeping your back completely flat and your core engaged. Stretch your arms out and repeat.” To make it more difficult, you can also try lifting one leg during the exercise.

correct form and technique

If you’re new to fitness or are just starting to focus on arm strength training for the first time, working with a certified personal trainer early on can be beneficial. It helps you learn correct form, correct mistakes, and make corrections. Here are some key points Thompson recommends keeping in mind.

  • Keep your core tight. Train your core muscles (abs, obliques, psoas) to stabilize your spine and protect your lower back.
  • Maintain a neutral spine. Maintain the natural position of your spine and avoid arching your back too much (hyperextension) or rounding it (flexion).
  • Concentrate on correct breathing. Breathe deeply and rhythmically. Exhale during the exercise phase (lifting, pushing, pulling) and inhale during the relaxation phase.
  • Avoid locking joints. Keep your knees and elbows slightly bent, even at the top of the movement. Locked joints put strain on ligaments and can lead to injury.
  • Practice controlled movements. Focus on slow, controlled movements, especially during the eccentric (descending) phase of the exercise. This helps reduce the risk of injury.
  • Please refrain from overdoing it. Start with a weight that is challenging but allows you to successfully complete the required reps. As you get stronger, gradually increase the weight while maintaining good form.

Recommendations for sets and repetitions

The number of sets and repetitions for an effective arm workout will depend on your personal goals and where you start on your fitness journey. If you’re working out for the first time, start low and slow and gradually increase your reps and weight (if you’re using one).

Here, Thompson shares a general breakdown of repetition recommendations based on the goals of improving general fitness, increasing muscle size, and building strength.

Recommended number of sets and repetitions

To improve your general fitness (overall health and tone):

  • set:2~3
  • manager: Repeat 8-15 times per set
  • rest: Approximately 60 to 90 seconds between sets

To increase muscle hypertrophy (size):

  • set:3~5
  • manager: Repeat 8-12 times per set
  • rest: Approximately 60 to 90 seconds between sets

To increase strength:

  • Number of sets: 3-5
  • Repetitions: 4-6 repetitions per set
  • Rest: 2-3 minutes between sets

Progression and strength tips

As you get stronger, your arm muscles need to be challenged in new ways, Thompson says. “There are many ways to safely increase exercise intensity as you get stronger. These include frequency, exercise selection, sequence, training volume (volume = sets x reps), training intensity, tempo, rest intervals, and more. ”

Gradually add workout days to your weekly routine and increase the frequency. If you want to increase your intensity, increase the resistance, add heavier weights, or more challenging exercise variations. Gradually add more sets and reps to your daily routine to extend the duration of your workouts. “This progressive approach helps increase your overall training volume and stimulates muscle growth and endurance,” says Thompson.

She also suggests switching up the types of exercises you do as you progress. “For example, if you primarily use machines for upper body training, try incorporating free weight or bodyweight training into your routine. Not only will this variety keep you motivated, but it will also work different muscle groups. It allows you to train and have a more balanced approach.”

And of course, don’t forget to have a fun workout, she added. She says, “If you find an exercise or activity that you love, you’re more likely to stay consistent and motivated.”

Maintaining arm strength

The key to maintaining arm strength is to continue doing arm-strengthening exercises on a regular basis, says Thompson. “Even in maintenance mode, periodically try slightly heavier weights or increase your reps to maintain muscle tone and prevent plateaus.”

It’s also important to train the rest of your body’s muscle groups regularly, she says. “A balanced workout routine prevents muscle imbalances and reduces the risk of injury.”

Another easy way to maintain arm strength is to challenge yourself outside of the gym. Incorporate activities into your daily life such as carrying heavy objects, playing sports, and activities that move your body and use your arms, Thompson says. “Staying active can help prevent muscle atrophy and maintain overall strength.”

Starting a new training routine will inevitably involve a learning curve. Before attempting heavier weights or more reps, consider working with a personal trainer to take the time to familiarize yourself with each movement and ensure proper form.

“Over time, as you get used to the exercise and your joints adapt, you can gradually increase the weight and continue building strength safely and effectively,” says Thompson.

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