Home Fitness The Perfect Push Workout According to Science – BOXROX

The Perfect Push Workout According to Science – BOXROX

by Universalwellnesssystems

Is this the perfect push workout according to science? Jeff Nippard says yes.

Jeff Nippard He is a professional bodybuilder and fitness coach by nature and shares tips and workout programs. YouTube channel.

Following his ‘best pull workouts for back and biceps’ we offer the perfect push workout backed by science.

This workout effectively works your chest, triceps, and shoulders. See for yourself.

sauce: Arora Griffith on Unsplash

Perfect push training based on science

According to science, the perfect push workout consists of 7 exercises, 2 to tone your chest, 3 to tone your shoulders and 2 to tone your triceps.

Combine these exercises for the perfect push workout, or pick any move to add to your own training splits.

Everything starts with a simple warm-up. On the treadmill or Stairmaster, he does it for five minutes, and then does a few simple dynamic stretches to loosen the joints, such as arm swings and external cable rotation.

In a nutshell, here are the 7 exercises that make up the perfect science-based push workout:

  1. Close-grip incline barbell bench press – 3 sets (8, 5, and 15 reps for medium, heavy, and light weights respectively)
  2. Machine shoulder press – 4 sets of 10-12 reps
  3. Floor Reset Skull Crusher – 3 sets of 6-8 reps
  4. Bent Over Cable Fly – 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  5. Machine Lateral Raises – 3 sets of 20 (first 5 slow negatives in each set)
  6. Plate front raises – 2 sets of 15-20 reps
  7. Diamond Push-Ups – 1 set failed

In the video below, Nippard explains why he chose each of these exercises and how long you should rest between sets and movements.

Watch the full video below for all the details you need to know about the perfect science-backed push workout.

If you want to read about a similar push-pull leg program, you can find more details below.

Checklist – Biggest Bench Press Mistakes to Avoid

Should I train for failure?

Learn more about split workouts

Dividing your training into push/pull/leg routines is a common and effective way to organize your training program. This type of split focuses on grouping exercises based on their main associated movement pattern, allowing for more targeted and efficient training. Here’s why this approach is beneficial:

  1. BALANCED MUSCLE DEVELOPMENT: Push/pull/leg routines train all major muscle groups evenly. Pushing exercises such as the bench press and shoulder press work the muscles primarily involved in the pushing movement (chest, shoulders, triceps, etc.). Pull exercises like rows and pull-ups target the muscles involved in pulling movements (back, biceps, etc.). Leg exercises like squats and deadlifts work your lower body muscles (quads, hamstrings, glutes, etc.). This balanced approach prevents muscle imbalances and reduces the risk of injury that can result from overdeveloping one muscle group while neglecting others.
  2. Optimal Recovery: By focusing on specific movement patterns in each workout, you give the muscles involved in the previous workout plenty of time to recover. For example, if you do a workout that focuses on pushing one day, your pulling muscles may recover in between. This reduces the chance of overtraining and allows you to train more often without compromising your recovery.
  3. Efficient workouts: By grouping exercises based on movement patterns, you can effectively target multiple muscle groups within a workout. This means you can train more muscles in less time, making your workouts more time efficient. Plus, you can focus on the quality of each movement pattern, improving your form and muscle coordination.
  4. Graduated Overload: The push/pull/leg routine makes it easy to perform graduated overloads essential for muscle growth and strength gains. You can track your progress in each movement pattern and gradually increase weight or intensity as you get stronger. This structured approach will help you stay on track with your fitness goals and continuously challenge your muscles.
  5. Versatility: The push/pull/leg split is versatile and adaptable to different training frequencies and schedules. It’s suitable for different fitness levels and lifestyles as you can adjust the number of workouts per week according to your fitness and recovery capacity.

A push, pull, and leg routine has many benefits, but it’s essential to combine it with a comprehensive program of cardiovascular, flexibility, and core training. Additionally, listening to your body and ensuring adequate rest and recovery between workouts is essential to optimizing results and preventing burnout and injury.

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