Home Nutrition The One Ultra-Processed Food No One Over 40 Should Be Eating Anymore Because It Ruins Your Metabolism

The One Ultra-Processed Food No One Over 40 Should Be Eating Anymore Because It Ruins Your Metabolism

by Universalwellnesssystems

Woman adding peanut butter to white toast

Weight loss is about making healthy choices, from finding time to exercise each day to nourishing your body. nutritious dietThis means that you may have to sacrifice some of your favorite foods for weight loss goals. One such ultra-processed food is none other than the infamous white bread.

To learn more about white bread’s health effects and why you should avoid it if you’re trying to lose weight, we spoke to a nutritionist. Lisa Richards, founder of the Candida diet. She told us sophisticated ingredients can throw a serious wrench in your progress. Find out all of her expert insights below!

White bread

Frankly, bread is delicious and a must-have item in your kitchen. But Richards says it’s important to limit your intake of this carbohydrate food if you’re trying to lose weight. “Breads of all kinds are high in calories and cause inflammation.” However, certain breads are worse than others, so you want to lose weight and maintain a healthy metabolism. Richard cites white bread as bad due to the fact that it contains refined carbohydrates.

“White bread is made up of refined carbs and lacks fiber and other beneficial nutrients,” she explains. Wow!All of these sophisticated ingredients contain calories, but they require very little energy for your body to process them, so your metabolism takes them over time. It may have serious consequences.

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She continues, “Since most bread is made from refined grains, sugar and preservatives, eating bread regularly can lead to weight gain.”

Also, keep in mind that processed foods like white bread have little nutritional value and won’t keep you feeling full for long. Also your weight loss goals.

Of course, eating bread once in a while doesn’t mean you won’t lose weight. Choose fibrous whole wheat options whenever possible and try to practice moderation. These healthy choices can make all the difference in the end!

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