Home Nutrition ‘The nutrients we require are what animals have’

‘The nutrients we require are what animals have’

by Universalwellnesssystems

Human cells need the same nutrients that the animals we eat, according to leading food scientists, and animal meat is needed in a nutritious human diet. I am emphasizing that

Professor Neil Mann is Professor of Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Melbourne, Australia. he’s in ireland this week Two-day international summit hosted by Teagasc It is entitled “The Social Role of Meat – What Science Says”.

talk Agriland After giving a presentation at the event, Professor Mann said:

“We are not plants, are we? We are animals. Therefore, what we need is the same as what they have and what they need. You can get all your nutrients.

“We also get a lot of nutrients from plants. [nutrients] It is found only in animals, not in plants. That’s why we need to eat animal foods to get essential nutrients that we don’t get from vegetables, fruits and grains,” he said.

Professor Neil Mann.Image Source: Maron Institute

Professor Mann explained that some nutrients are more bioavailable in animals than in plants, and others are naturally available to humans through animal meat.

Nutrients that are more bioavailable in animals are also present in plants, but are not digested or absorbed by humans if not consumed through meat.

Iron and zinc are such nutrients, said Professor Mann, that are “essential to our bodies.”

“For example, iron is part of hemoglobin and is responsible for carrying oxygen around the blood. But iron and zinc are also very important for immune function and brain function. We use iron and zinc,” he explained.

Iron and zinc can be found in plants, but they are not always an adequate source for humans.

“You get [iron and zinc] In plants, they’re attached to other compounds in the plant that inhibit absorption in your gut.

“But in animals, iron and zinc are attached to protein molecules. For example, heme iron, which means iron attached to hemoglobin.

He continues: The fact that those iron and zinc atoms are attached to the protein when we eat it and enter the intestines actually helps them to be absorbed.

According to Professor Mann, the amount of plant foods humans must eat is many times more than the amount of meat to get the same amount of iron and zinc.

“It’s called bioavailability. So iron and zinc aren’t bioavailable. [to humans] In plants, they are highly bioavailable in animal foods. This is why many vegetarians and vegans are deficient in iron and zinc.

Meat-Only Nutrients for Humans

However, other nutrients found in meat are not available at all from plant foods.

Professor Mann said: The first is vitamin B12. Many vegans and vegetarians believe they can get their vitamin B12 from plants. It’s a complete myth, but they spread it among themselves and believe it.

“That’s why people who are strict vegans and don’t take vitamin B12 supplements from pharmacies can become deficient in vitamin B12 and, over the years, suffer irreversible nerve damage and brain damage,” he added. rice field.

“Basically, you get your B12 from animal foods. [There’s] A little in eggs and milk, some in fish, but the best, richest sauces are lean meats. “

Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids are also important nutrients found only in meat, and omega-3 fatty acids are found in plants but are not required by humans.

“They fall into a whole range of different molecules with different effects in the body. We are animals and we have different forms of omega-3. You can only get them from the flesh, but since animals make them from grass and seaweed in their own bodies, you can also get them from the red meat of animals that eat grass.

He added:Stops inflammation and stops excessive blood clotting, again for immunity [a cause of heart attacks] Again very important for brain function.

“In fact, all four compounds I mentioned—iron, zinc, vitamin B12, and long-chain fatty acids—are absolutely important for brain function. It’s very important for functionality.”

Professor Mann outlined the effects on the brain when these nutrients are deficient.

“Lack of vitamin B12 causes neurological damage. Lack of iron or zinc causes similar damage to brain cells. The same thing happens when you don’t have enough omega-3 fatty acids.

The food scientist added: Therefore, low levels of vitamin B12 and low levels of omega-3s wreak havoc on brain function.

“The scans they are doing on the brains of these people show that the brain is shrinking, called atrophy. increase.”

Professor Mann also noted the presence of amino acids in animal proteins.

“Plant proteins do not have the same range of amino acids as animal proteins. Plants are plants, animals are animals. We are animals. So eating animals gives you a better balance of these amino acids.”

Professor Mann emphasized that the human digestive system evolved over the course of about four million years to eat meat as well as plants.

He compared the digestive system of modern humans to that of foxes and dogs, retaining the ability to obtain nutrients from plants.

He explained that humans can get the nutrients found in meat foods from supplements.

However, he comments: I believe, like all nutritionists, you should eat a balanced diet and not take supplements. Our distant ancestors did not take supplements. They ate a natural diet and got everything they needed. ”

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