Home Nutrition The Number 1 Best Food for Gut Health

The Number 1 Best Food for Gut Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

You’ve heard the expression, “You are what you eat,” and this certainly applies to your gut. Therefore, it is essential to have a nutritious and balanced diet.

The first step is knowing what to eat and what to avoid. To learn more, we spoke to health experts to find out the best foods for a healthy gut and the foods to avoid.

How Food Affects Gut Health

When you eat something, your gut bacteria recognize it and use it as information. These bacteria “tell” the immune system, hormones, and brain how to use information from food. Dr. Amy Shah, MDa double board certified physician and author of I’m So Hungry: Why We Crave What We Crave And What To Do About It,I will explain.

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