Home Mental Health The inevitable mental health revolution » Nieman Journalism Lab

The inevitable mental health revolution » Nieman Journalism Lab

by Universalwellnesssystems

Survey after survey, country after country, the data shows the same reality. Mental health has become one of the biggest challenges for journalists.Over 60% of media workers in diverse countries such as: Canada, Spain When Ecuador reported high levels of anxiety in 2022. At least one in five he reported depression. Post-traumatic stress disorder and burnout levels are also on the rise.

Unless something is done from within the organization, the situation could get worse.

2021, Some journalists began to speak out 2022 was the year this topic finally got out of the journalism closet.we heard about this twitter, article, Book), and the very public case reporter’s aerial disassembly.

Even more unprecedented was the sheer number of journalists demanding training to learn how to take care of themselves and create a healthier industry. , night center, ITS Rio. Also self-investigation academyThis issue was included in all major conferences. focus on care.

The demand and need are clear. 2023 will be the turn for media organizations to take the baton and pave the way for a more sustainable culture of care in journalism. Managers, editors and publishers around the world: why make such an investment?

To accomplish more with less. Healthier, happier employees perform better — and more likely to stay.

For viewers, instead of having to avoid the news, they receive more exciting and hopeful coverage. the bad effect it has on their mood.

To eradicate out of our shared humanity Mental health stigma.

Or for business.The World Health Organization states that anxiety and depression alone Cost the global economy US$1 trillionmainly in productivity loss.

Embracing happiness as a key value means rethinking how we work, and not just sticking band-aids on an already unsustainable workload. 84% of employees reported that their workplace had a negative impact on their mental health;

The approach is systematic and requires top management support. WHO Recommendation Three evidence-based interventions: “Training managers on mental health, training employees on mental health knowledge and awareness, and individualized interventions delivered directly to employees.”

also means Create a new story Understanding what it means to be a “good journalist” and developing a variety of role models that are always on, structured overtime, lack of mutual recognition and care, and lack of a fulfilling personal life Stop recommending unhealthy practices such as Otherwise, the industry risks losing more and more top talent, especially among the millennial generation and his Gen Z generation.

Joining the mental health revolution doesn’t have to be expensive. Less investment required, resulting in higher returns. We know this because many organizations have already started working in other industries and in journalism. For example, some newsrooms started by tapping into staff concerns and encouraging mental health committees to provide resources and guidelines. community-based safespace Shared among peers, whether led by an external facilitator or not. Others offer free access to many therapy sessions as part of their benefit packages.

Journalists are ready, the situation is urgent. The time has come for a major shift in journalism culture, and 2023 is the year to start sowing the seeds of long-term change. The media industry can no longer afford to avoid the mental health revolution.

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