Home Nutrition The gym supplements that REALLY work… and the ones that are a complete waste of time

The gym supplements that REALLY work… and the ones that are a complete waste of time

by Universalwellnesssystems
  • Sports nutritionist says some gym supplements are ‘the ultimate waste of time’
  • Supplement promises to boost energy, reduce recovery time and build muscle

Whether you’re a regular gym goer or someone just getting into fitness, you’ve probably been pointed to supplements as a way to enhance your workouts.

However, be aware that many of these supplements that claim to “burn fat” and give you energy are expensive and unnecessary, sports nutritionists say.

They say it might be really good to have a simple protein shake or a banana and a cup of coffee to supplement your workout.

Here, Rob Hobson, registered sports nutritionist and author of Unprocess Your Life, gives you the scoop on which supplements are worth your money and which are a waste of time…

Numerous supplements claim to ‘burn fat’ and give you energy, but they’re expensive and simply not necessary, sports nutritionist warns

protein powder

One of the most popular gym supplements is protein powder.

Protein supplements are marketed for muscle growth, weight loss, and improving physical performance, and are a convenient way to get additional nutrients during exercise.

Both whey made from cow’s milk and vegan versions such as pea protein are available.

It is commonly sold as a powder, but can also be purchased in shakes, tablets, and bars.

While you can get plenty of protein from your diet, including meat, eggs, nuts and fish, Hobson admits this supplement is “helpful when you’re low on protein after a workout.”

But he stresses that it doesn’t need to be added to your daily diet.

Mr Hobson told MailOnline:

“These findings show that these findings not only help improve strength and performance, but also aid in muscle growth, repair, and recovery after exercise.”

You can get plenty of protein from foods like meat, eggs, nuts and fish, but Hobson admits that supplements can be “helpful when you’re deficient post-workout”.


Creatine is a substance found naturally in muscle cells, but it is also added to gym supplements.

Strengthens muscles during weight lifting and intense exercise.

“This is the most extensively researched sports nutrition supplement, and there are many studies to back up its performance claims,” ​​Hobson said.

“It is also one of a limited number of supplements featured in the sports nutrition and performance guidance set forth by the American College of Sports Medicine.”

Creatine, often sold in powder form, not only improves athletic performance, but also reduces the severity of sports injuries and allows athletes to withstand heavier training loads, according to a 2017 paper. There are also effects. study.

“Benefits include increased sustained energy for high-intensity exercise, increased muscle mass and power, leading to improved performance,” Hobson said.

Experts say products such as Healthspan Elite All Black Creatine Monohydrate (£43.00 for a 500g pouch) may give you more energy and help increase muscle mass.

While the supplement is tailored for strength and power sports, researchers are also looking at how creatine can improve women’s health, Hobson explains.

Experts are also looking into whether the supplement could help older people with cognitive and muscle decline, he added.

However, you need to consume small amounts daily to achieve the desired effect.

Hobson said: “Despite popular belief, this supplement has been shown to be safe to take continuously for up to five years at a time; , it must be taken daily to achieve the desired effect.” . ”

Hobson says don’t spend money on anything that promises weight loss or fat burning.

pre training

The product, which Hobson described as a “kitchen sink supplement,” is made by “mixing together” a number of products.

But despite its wide range of ingredients, Hobson warns that it’s not always necessary, suggesting that simply eating a banana or drinking coffee can have the same effect.

Some pre-workout supplements sold as all-in-one powders are made with glucose and caffeine.

Hobson says glucose gives you an energy boost and fuel for exercise, and caffeine improves mental alertness and performance, so it might be worth your time.

“Many of the other factors are not really necessary, especially for gym-goers,” Hobson says.

Some pre-workout supplements also contain creatine and beta-alanine. Beta-alanine is an amino acid produced in the body that plays a role in muscle endurance and high-intensity exercise.

However, it must be taken daily to be effective.

“Intermittent pre-workout intake is not effective,” Hobson said.

“Efficacy studies show that doses may be too low.”

He added that for the average gym-goer, eating a banana and drinking coffee before going to the gym is likely to be enough to fuel them before a workout.

For the average gym-goer, eating a banana and drinking coffee before a workout is enough to fuel them before a workout.

fat burning supplements

Hobson warns that supplements that claim to ‘burn fat’ are the ‘ultimate waste of time’.

In fact, he says, don’t spend money on anything that promises to help you lose weight or burn fat just by popping a pill.

“The claims about these supplements are that they may speed up metabolism or increase fat oxidation,” he says.

“But neither is supported by reliable, science-based research on the ingredients in supplements.”

Common ingredients include caffeine, green tea, raspberry ketones, and conjugated linolenic acid (CLA). Conjugated linolenic acid (CLA) is a fatty acid that has been shown to have some efficacy in weight loss.

Another common ingredient is L-carnetine, an amino acid involved in fat metabolism in the body.

But Hobson warns that this is still not a magical ‘fat-burning’ solution.

“Taking it as a supplement does not increase the rate of fat burning, and research examining its role in improving sports performance, which may be indirectly related to fat loss, is weak at best. ” he said.

However, being a waste of money isn’t the worst potential side effect of these supplements.

Some preparations can also come with troubling side effects, such as high blood pressure, increased heart rate, anxiety, and sleep problems.

All of this will have a negative impact on sports performance, Hobson added.

Hobson believes that most of these fat-burning supplements do not help you manage your weight or understand the importance of healthy eating.

“While we rely on supplements to manage weight and body fat percentage, we need to highlight the importance of diet, exercise and lifestyle, and how these factors can be manipulated to achieve more sustainable performance goals. You can’t learn anything about that.”

how much exercise do you need

To stay healthy, adults ages 19 to 64 should be active every day and do the following:

  • Do at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise, such as cycling or brisk walking, each week.
  • Do strength training at least two days a week that works all your major muscles (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms).


  • 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise each week, such as running or a singles tennis match.
  • Do strength training at least two days a week that works all your major muscles (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms).


  • Each week, combine moderate and vigorous aerobic exercise. For example, if he runs for 30 minutes twice and takes a brisk walk for 30 minutes, that is the equivalent of 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise.
  • Do strength training at least two days a week that works all your major muscles (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, and arms).

A good rule is that one minute of vigorous exercise provides the same health benefits as two minutes of moderate exercise.

One way to get the recommended 150 minutes of physical activity per week is to do 30 minutes five days each week.

All adults also need to stop sitting for long periods of time and engage in light activity.

sauce: NHS in uk

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