Home Fitness The Gorilla Row Exercise Works Your Upper Body & Core At Once

The Gorilla Row Exercise Works Your Upper Body & Core At Once

by Universalwellnesssystems

When looking for a way to spice up your upper body routine, the low variations are always helpful. Flying, curling, and pressing can be a nice change of pace when it comes to strengthening your arms, shoulders, and back. This is also why the gorilla line in particular is exploding on his TikTok. Over 2.1 million views. Not only does this move target your upper body, it also incorporates a mini ab workout. (The fact that it has a cute name is just a bonus.)

Gorilla low is to get low to the ground, like a gorilla, lifting a series of weights one arm at a time. “This is a variation of the bentover row that works your back muscles,” he says. Rose McNulty, NASM Certified Personal Trainer. Specifically, she told Bustle, the exercise hits her mid and upper lats, her upper back trapezius, and her posterior deltoids. Maximizing your King Kong impression also works your biceps.

“Gorilla rowing is also good for your core because it keeps you in position throughout the movement.” [requires] whole core strength and stability‘ says McNulty. A stronger core is an even greater benefit, as it affects not only correct posture but also overall stability. “This is especially important for people with desk jobs who tend to slouch all day,” she says.

Focus and pay attention to each side of your body as you alternate weights. “That’s because gorilla rowing is a one-sided movement. [which] It can help prevent or improve muscle imbalances,” says McNulty. Keep reading to learn more about popular upper body exercises on TikTok.

how to do gorilla

Here, McNulty explains how to do gorilla row with proper form so you can get the most out of your movements.

– Place two kettlebells or dumbbells on the floor about shoulder width or slightly narrower.

– Stand with your feet facing the outside of the weight and your toes pointing slightly out.

– Bend your knees slightly and bend at your hips.

– Keep your torso straight until you can reach your arms and grab each weight.

– Keep your palms facing inward toward each other.

– Work your core by rowing one of the weights straight up.

– Push the weight on the floor with your other hand.

– Tighten your shoulder blades when rowing.

– Always keep your back straight.

– When the weight you’re lifting reaches chest height, slowly lower it to the floor.

– Repeat the same movement on the other side and continue alternating.

Use a weight that can be lifted 6-12 times per side.

– Do 3-6 sets.

how to fix movement

One of the benefits of Gorilla Law is that it can do a lot without a lot of equipment.That makes it a great option if you’re training in a crowded gym and the benches are all taken, he says. Julio Lopez, CSCSCertified personal trainer.

To try it out as a beginner, use light kettlebells or dumbbells and aim for 6-8 reps to start with. “Conversely, if doing 12 reps is easy, try a heavier kettlebell,” Lopez tells Bustle. To make the movement even more difficult, play around with the tempo. Lopez suggests slowing down as you lower rather than raising and lowering at the same speed. “For example, a tempo of 3-0-1 indicates that on the eccentric part he drops the weight for 3 seconds. At the bottom there is no pause, then on the concentric part he drops the weight for 1 second. Raise it,” he explains. . “Three or four seconds of the eccentric phase, and you’ll immediately feel a burning sensation.”

If you can’t reach the weights in gorilla pose, Lopez recommends placing the weights on a short plyometric box or weight plate for a higher starting point.

Gorilla Row Common Mistakes

When doing gorilla rowing, remember to keep your back flat and not rounded. “Poor posture can increase your risk of injury and make your exercise less effective,” says McNulty. Also pay attention to the position of the buttocks. Hips should be kept parallel to or slightly lower than shoulders.

It’s tempting to shrug your shoulders around your ears when you’re rowing, so try to keep your shoulders in a neutral position to help strengthen your back muscles, says McNulty. Rowing with a weight that is not too heavy will give you a good start.

Referenced studies:

Saeterbakken, A. (2015). Effects of performing bilateral and unilateral row exercises on core muscle activation. International J Sports Medicine. Doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1398646.


Rose McNultyNASM Certified Personal Trainer

Julio Lopez, CSCSCertified Personal Trainer

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