Home Fitness The Fittest People In The World Follow These 5 Stupidly Simple Rules

The Fittest People In The World Follow These 5 Stupidly Simple Rules

by Universalwellnesssystems

Fit people have different wiring. They like to do things that most people hate.

They love going to the gym. They show up every day and want long-term gratification.

Exercise is their addiction and a healthy lifestyle is their holy grail.

Here are five stupidly simple rules that the fittest follow.

1. Follows the Pareto Principle

Very healthy people I know eat healthy every day. They never break the rules of basic nutrition, but they can bend a little every now and then.

They follow the Pareto Principle rigorously, eating healthy food 80% of the time and respecting their desires the rest of the time.

They’ve learned that no matter how much you lift in the gym, if you don’t control what you use in the kitchen, your health and weight will be ruined.

They follow the bare minimum of habits that help them produce maximum results with small efforts such as food preparation.

So they make it a habit to eat healthy most of the day. They balance out with cheat meals every week.

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