Home Nutrition The FDA proposed a new definition for the term “healthy,” dividing big food makers and nutritionists

The FDA proposed a new definition for the term “healthy,” dividing big food makers and nutritionists

by Universalwellnesssystems

As the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposes to update the definition of “healthy” nutrition labeling, several major food companies, including the nation’s largest cereal makers, granola brands and packaged food makers, are pushing back. increase.

On September 28, 2022, FDA will announced Their plan to change the existing definition of the label, which was established in 1994 and is “restricted for total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium…” Must provide at least 10% of the daily intake (DV)”) one or more of the following nutrients: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Protein, Fiber. The guidelines also prioritize the “importance of a healthy eating pattern” and the type of fat in the diet, rather than “total amount of fat consumed, amount of sodium and added sugars in the diet”.

The new definition takes into account current nutritional science, federal dietary guidance. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 Updated Nutrition Facts label. It specifically emphasizes “nutrient-dense foods” from at least one of the food groups or subgroups (fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, and protein foods) recommended in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Under the proposed definition, raw fruits and vegetables are automatically considered “healthy” due to their nutritional benefits and “positive contribution to an overall healthy diet”. . However, high-sugar, low-fat products that are now considered “healthy” will no longer be able to carry that label.

That’s what many major food companies continue to raise. Prominent cereal, pasta, yogurt and processed food companies claim strict nutritional standards wrongly classify many common foods as ‘bad’ even though they provide micronutrients. Several companies have also denounced the definition as “unconstitutional,” claiming it violates their First Amendment rights.

In a comment on Feb 16th Regarding the federal agency’s proposal, Kellogg wrote that the new definition “automatically disqualifies all categories of nutritious foods.” Similarly, New York City-based snack food company KIND condemned the FDA’s proposed regulation of added sugar, saying it would “create a barrier to innovation in fruit, vegetable, and protein foods” and encourage companies to use artificial sweeteners.

“The criteria for ‘healthy’ use should not be so restrictive that only a very limited number of foods are eligible. could conclude that is ‘unhealthy’,” the company added.

General Mills, a leading food processing company with brands such as Annie’s, Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Yoplait, Check’s, Cheerios, Choco Puff, Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Raisin Nut Bran, has been criticized for the FDA’s “overly restrictive” regulations. I complained about the legal consequences. :

“[T]The proposed rule would preclude many objectively healthy products, including those promoted by dietary guidelines, from engaging in true, non-misleading ” violates the First Amendment. CBS news.

the next suit consumer brand association“Consumers have a First Amendment right to receive truthful information about their products, and manufacturers have a First Amendment right to provide it,” according to CBS News. The association, which includes PepsiCo and the Campbell Soup Company, estimates that 95% of foods on the market today will not qualify for the “healthy” label under the FDA’s new requirements.

Additionally, some companies say the proposed restrictions would actually make the food less enjoyable and reduce overall sales. It makes food less feasible for consumers, who are often drawn to diets rich in nutrients.

Conversely, many nutritionists and food experts support the FDA’s new initiative, saying it will improve consumers’ health and wellness. More than 80% of Americans don’t eat enough vegetables, fruits and dairy, according to data from the American Dietary Guidelines. Also, more people are consuming too much sugar, saturated fat and sodium, which increases the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. These are the leading causes of death in the United States.

“This new definition may disqualify nutritious foods, but also foods with too much sugar, sodium, and/or certain fats,” he explained. Lauren Manaker, Registered Dietitian, Nutritionist, Certified Lactation Education Counselor, and Author. “Thus, certain items such as granola bars and cereals and even some yogurts can provide many micronutrients, but when consumed in large amounts can lead to unpleasant health consequences. It also provides a significant amount of sugar content.

She continued, “This new label doesn’t mean you should avoid foods that aren’t labeled as ‘healthy.’ Depending on a person’s overall diet, sugary yogurts and granola bars may work well.” The diet is relatively low in added sugar.”

Manaker said he liked some aspects of the FDA’s changes, but that the new definition “certainly refers to eating certain foods that can be part of a balanced and nutritious diet.” I hope that it will not create more fear.”

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“There are some aspects that help people navigate their food choices, but the whole concept of labeling foods as ‘healthy’ and making them black and white confuses some people.” There is a possibility. Don’t just live on one food,” he added Manaker.

to repeat her claim Celine Bachmandirector of nutrition at the Institute of Culinary Education, said the term “healthy” is just one of many nutritional buzzwords featured on packaging.

“they [The FDA] I’m doing what I think makes sense on some level. But I don’t know if it will lead to meaningful results for the average person. Because the food environment is completely saturated with so many other confusing symbols and terms for health.In an age when specialization is less respected. So even that level of labeling is not always accepted by people. ”

In addition to the proposed definitions, the FDA has also determined the symbols that appear on the front of food packages to represent “healthy” nutrition claims. Claims combined with symbols “act as quick signals to empower” consumers, helping them identify nutritious foods more quickly.

For now, consumers can incorporate more vegetables, fruits and whole grains into their diets to improve their overall health. Dr. Susan MainThe director of the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition also recommends eating low-fat dairy products, protein foods, and healthy oils like olive and canola.

“Try to eat and drink less foods and drinks that are high in saturated fat, sodium, or added sugar,” she added.

FDA is currently considering feedback and public comment on the proposed rule. At this time, it is unknown when a final decision will be made.

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