Home Fitness The FB:30 Method Delivers Full Body Gains in 30 Minutes Using Just Dumbbells

The FB:30 Method Delivers Full Body Gains in 30 Minutes Using Just Dumbbells

by Universalwellnesssystems

Welcome to Men’s Health Dumbbell Club, a weekly plan to build a healthier, stronger body using just two dumbbells. Every Monday we deliver a dumbbell workout to you, with 20-40 minute workouts designed to build lean muscle, increase strength and build muscle.

click here Go back and check out previous weeks or tackle our latest week 51 and follow the program here.

What’s new this week…

I’m into week two of my four-week “Full Body 30” training phase. Like last week, each workout takes exactly 30 minutes (after a warm-up). Each day consists of one 30-minute AMRAP (as many repetitions as possible) session, designed to work your entire body in one non-stop 30-minute workout.

Last week you should have recorded the weight you used and the total number of repetitions of each movement. This week your goal is to beat those “scores,” ensure progressive loading, and target muscle growth and improvements in strength and work capacity.

If this is the first week of the Men’s Health Dumbbell Club and you have a few dumbbells, use a weight that lets you get closer to the top of the prescribed rep range for each movement. If you have fewer options or only one pair, just work as hard as you can and try not to fail in the early rounds.

Each day on this plan targets your upper and lower body, covering most of your muscle groups with a combination of pushing, pulling, squatting, rowing and deadlifting. If possible, allow a day of rest between each session to ensure you have at least 48 hours of full recovery time each week. This is especially important if you include additional conditioning or cardio. Train hard and recover hard.

Preview 9 Dumbbell Squat Variations to Add to Your Training Today

Day 1 (W51/D1)

Once you’ve warmed up properly, grab the bell, start the clock and get to work.

30 Minute AMRAP (as many repetitions as possible)

1. One-arm push press x 6-8 reps (per side)

One-Arm Dumbbell Push Press

Starting on your weak side, raise one dumbbell toward your shoulder with your palm facing in. Inhale and engage your core. (a) Bend your knees and use your feet (Ba) Press the dumbbells overhead. Slowly lower them to your shoulders and repeat. Complete the recommended number of repetitions on one side, then repeat on the other arm.

2. Pull-ups (or lat pull-downs) x 6-12


Grasp the bar with an overhand grip and place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart.aBend your elbows and pull your shoulder blades down and back to pull yourself up. Remember to tuck your elbows into your pockets. When your chin passes the bar, pause (B) and then slowly lower yourself back to the starting position. Avoid excessive rocking.

Front Squats 3 x 12-15

Dumbbell Front Squat

Place the dumbbells in front of your shoulders (aFrom here, squat down deeper until the crease at your hips passes under your knees. Pause here (B) then lower back down. At the top of each rep, take a deep breath and engage your core. Keep your torso upright throughout.

Day 2 (W51/D2)

Once you’ve warmed up properly, grab the bell, start the clock and get to work.

30 Minute AMRAP (as many repetitions as possible)

1. Dumbbell floor press (or bench press) x 8-10

Dumbbell Bench Press

Grab a dumbbell and lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground (use a bench if you have one). Press the dumbbells up while locking your elbows (aSlowly lower your arms until they touch the floor.B) close to your body. Pause here before explosively pushing up, squeezing your chest hard, and repeat.

2. Three-point row x 10-15 (per side)

Three Point Low

Hold a dumbbell in your left arm and bend over at the waist, placing your right hand on a bench or box (aKeeping your back flat and your core tight, shift your weight into your right hand and pull the right dumbbell up to your waist (BPause for a moment and then lower the weight under control until your arm is straight. Complete the recommended number of reps on one side and then repeat on the other arm.

3. Dumbbell deadlifts x 12-15

Dumbbell Deadlift

Place a dumbbell on the floor just outside your feet and grip it with your knees and back as flat as possible, slightly bent (aEngage your lats, grab the weights, and press your feet into the ground to stand upright (B). Take a deep breath and slowly reverse the movement, lowering the weights back down to the ground. Keep the weights on the ground, not away from your body. Keep your arms hanging straight throughout this movement, thinking of them as hooks.

Day 3 (W51/D3)

Once you’ve warmed up properly, grab the bell, start the clock and get to work.

30 Minute AMRAP (as many repetitions as possible)

1. Dumbbell Z-press x 6-10

Weights, exercise equipment, shoulders, dumbbells, arms, chest, strength training, free weight bar, bench, abdominal,

    Sit on the floor with your legs extended and dumbbells resting on your shoulders. (a) Inhale, engage your core, and press the dumbbells overhead, keeping your torso straight. (B). Lower with control down to your shoulders. Repeat.

    2. Handstand rowing x 10-12


    Grab a ring or bar at waist height and stand with your feet forward and your arms hanging straight down. (a). Keeping your elbows close to your body, row toward the ring and pause here for a moment. (Ba) Repeat this until you can hang completely under control. Set the bar higher or lower to vary the difficulty.

    3. Farmer’s carry x 30-40m

    weights, exercise equipment, dumbbells, muscles, arms, standing, strength, chest, bicep curls, shoulders,

    Finally, take some weights for a walk. Stand up straight with some weights. (A), lLet your arms hang freely at your sides, take a deep breath, and begin a slow march. (B). Once you reach 15-20m, regain your composure, turn around and walk back so the weight doesn’t fly away. Try not to drop the weight, and if you do, pick up where you left off as quickly as possible.

    Men's Health Dumbbell Club Full Body Training Plan
    Andrew Tracy headshot

    Having worked in the health and fitness field for almost 18 years as a personal trainer, nutritionist, breathing coach and writer, Andrew has spent almost half his life exploring ways to help people improve their mind and body.

    As Fitness Editor, he takes pride in keeping Men’s Health at the forefront of reliable, relatable, and trustworthy fitness information by writing about and testing thousands of workouts each year, diving deep into the science of muscle building and fat loss, and exploring the psychology of performance and recovery.

    Constantly updating his knowledge through seminars and courses, Andrew is as much a fan of practice as he is of theory, and regularly puts his training to the test by doing everything from CrossFit and Strongman competitions to ultramarathons, multiple 24-hour training sessions and even a (completely unofficial) world record attempt.

    You can find Andrew on Instagram @theandrew.tracey, or you can simply hold up a “free pizza” sign and wait for him to show up.

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