Home Products The Eight Types of Cheese You Should Have in Your Fridge at All Times

The Eight Types of Cheese You Should Have in Your Fridge at All Times

by Universalwellnesssystems

My refrigerator has a lot of dairy products.Currently, whole milk, half & half, heavy whipped cream, two types of yogurt (a store-bought Greek and a homemade recipe I’m tweaking), sour cream, butter, and a variety of cheeses are all available. i usually have some Labune It’s there too, but I just ran out.) Cheese is a category of its own.

I don’t need eight definite Cheese, but you need at least one cheese from each of the following categories: (You may have seen it if you follow me on Twitter) Tweet I need 7 different cheeses, but someone pointed out that I didn’t have enough cream cheese. They’re tailored to my specific lifestyle and desires, but I believe everyone can benefit from identifying and categorizing their specific cheese needs.

My cheese needs are:

  • Snack cheese: These are my string cheese, baby bells, sticks, pre-wrapped Tillamook “snack potions” that I shove in my mouth as a pre-lift snack or when I’m hungry and I don’t know what I’m eating. Eat.
  • Cooking cheese: This is the cheese that is mixed and melted into the dish. Usually bagged and pre-shredded, Velveeta is also important.
  • Salad cheese: Oh my crumble. This is usually a crushed blue cheese, but can also be a nice feta cheese and may overlap with the next category (finishing cheese).
  • Finishing cheese: this is the cheese you use finish the dishIt’s usually “nice” and packed with flavors like Parmigiano Reggiano, Pecorino Romano and Cotilla. A finishing cheese can also double as a salad cheese.
  • Sandwich cheese: These are (obviously) sliced ​​cheeses for sandwiches. I usually have two, a Dubliner (blocked or sliced) and a Deli White American (both honor my heritage in their own way).
  • Hungry Cheese: This is just cottage cheese. Satisfies a more urgent need than snacking cheese because you can shovel it into your mouth.
  • Cream cheese: she’s in her own category.
  • Treat cheese: This is usually a small portion of something aged and speckled with crystals (I’m really into aged gouda now), but sometimes it’s a very sticky washed specimen of skin. Eat it with a really delicious apple.

it’s just me I value my opinion, but I would love to hear yours. How many types of cheese do you stock in your fridge? How many do you need to function? How old are you? I wantTell us your cheese category, your cheese cravings, your cheese cheese dreamIdentify your cheese needs and demand that they be met.

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