Home Mental Health The constant pinging of your phone is giving you ringxiety | Life-style News

The constant pinging of your phone is giving you ringxiety | Life-style News

by Universalwellnesssystems

You can’t completely get rid of your cell phone, but you can reduce the anxiety that comes with it. I will be happy to help you.

ring seatieLet’s understand ring-kicity. (Source: Freepik)

Have you ever wondered why you keep going back to your phone to see how many people liked your Instagram posts? Or did you look at your IG Stories?

We receive hundreds of smartphone notifications every day. These interruptions, designed to distract us, capture and monetize our time and attention. “Smartphones are extremely useful, but current notification systems impose a significant, albeit underestimated, psychological cost. Like slot machines, they impose an inherent psychological cost on us. They exploit biases to get different rewards,” explained Krishna Joshi, clinical psychologist, Listen.

There’s a lot of research being done on how phones affect our brains in terms of changes in our behavior, mental health, and well-being. A 2017 study on smartphone addiction found that notifications can change your brain chemistry and throw your brain out of balance. The study also showed a link between smartphone use and anxiety, depression, and impulsivity. Additionally, having notifications on all the time can lead to a pattern called “switch costs.” This is when your attention is diverted from a task by an interruption such as a notification.

Joshi explained that the number of likes and positive comments activates the reward centers of the brain, making it highly likely that addiction will develop. “A constant barrage of notifications can create a sense of urgency and fear of missing out (FOMO), where you feel the need to see and respond to notifications, even if they’re not important or important. “It can lead to obsession,” he said.

Many people have experienced phantom vibrations. These mysterious tricks our brain plays make us check our phones unnecessarily or get false sensations from them.

Celebration benefits

This can lead to a variety of negative emotions, including anxiety, distraction, and decreased productivity. It can also lead to a lack of concentration, lack of sleep, and other negative effects on your mental health and well-being.

You can’t completely get rid of your cell phone, but you can reduce the anxiety that comes with it. I will be happy to help you.

6 ways to manage call anxiety

  1. 01

    Get more realistic contact

    To achieve a better balance in life, researchers suggest increasing in-person contact with friends, family, and colleagues rather than relying solely on digital interactions. Research shows that relationships without face-to-face contact lack the trust needed to form a true relationship.

  2. 02

    Switch your phone to silent mode

    It may seem simple, but you won’t feel stressed if you don’t hear notifications. Just in case, schedule yourself to not check your phone.

  3. 03

    Make the most of your smartphone health settings

    Automatic Do Not Disturb mode and priority notifications help you filter and reduce notifications. Also, features like unlock counter can help you understand how you use your phone and break the cycle.

  4. 04

    Scheduled transmission

  5. 05

    Please turn off your mobile phone at night

    Turning off your phone may seem stressful, but by eliminating that opportunity, you’re less likely to see something you don’t want to see when checking the time, and you can get some much-needed sleep. It becomes more sexual.

  6. 06

    Batching notifications

    Delivering notifications at predictable intervals throughout the day can improve psychological well-being. It is associated with feeling more alert and productive, having a better mood, and having better control over your phone.

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Date first published: October 27, 2023, 09:30 IST

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