Home Mental Health The Center prepares for new comprehensive behavioral-health clinic

The Center prepares for new comprehensive behavioral-health clinic

by Universalwellnesssystems

The Center for Counseling & Consultation focuses on pre-certification so that new comprehensive behavioral health programs can be established as quickly as possible.

The Center’s Executive Director, Julie Crump, and her colleagues will be pre-certified as a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) by July of this year. Full certification from Kansas will follow within 12 months.

CCBHC is a multidimensional program offered through The Center, 5815 Broadway.

“We got a head start, so many aspects of the service are already implemented here,” Kramp said. “To name just a few, we currently offer medically assisted treatment and have a Substance Use Disorder License.

“The bottom line is that we integrate our services to deliver CCBHC, an individual and family-focused program designed to ensure access to comprehensive behavioral health care.”

Building this program began about a year ago at The Center, which began working on 39 relevant criteria.

“We have met the requirements of many of these standards and are close to others,” Crump said. “The result is a wider range of services that address concerns holistically. We are moving away from compartmentalization.

“For example, does the client need help finding housing or work? Is substance use a problem? Would talk therapy and/or medication be the answer? ?In many cases, the problem is more than just one thing.”

One of the 39 criteria currently being prioritized is ensuring that veterans and those currently serving in the military have access to intensive mental health care.

“We’ve always tried to connect our clients to the Veterans Administration (VA),” Kramp said. “But we want to play a bigger role. There is a possibility.

“We don’t just connect them with VA, we help them follow through. It’s about getting rid of a lot.”

CCBHC provides care coordinators to assist with the admissions process and follow-up to ensure clients have the resources they need.

“Throughout the year, we have enhanced our offerings with this new multi-faceted program in mind,” said Kramp. “We are more cautious and focused on on-site service and follow-up when referrals are appropriate.”

The center’s state association, the Kansas Association of Community Mental Health Centers, has worked with the National Mental Health Council on this program. The state association also sought guidance from Missouri and Oklahoma, which were part of her CCBHC pilot program, which is now expanding nationwide.

The Center for Counseling & Consultation is a community mental health center serving Burton, Pawnee, Rice and Stafford counties. Professionally trained personnel offer: individual and group therapy. marriage and family counseling; community support services; community-based services; psychosocial rehabilitation; peer support; and medication management. Our 24/7 confidential hotline number is 800-875-2544.

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