Home Mental Health The case for giving your kids mental health days from school

The case for giving your kids mental health days from school

by Universalwellnesssystems

child rearing

When it comes to physical health, most parents and caregivers have a good idea of ​​when it’s safe for their child to go to school and when it’s not.

One positive aspect of COVID-19 is that it has become widely accepted that when you have the virus, you need to stay home to protect those around you.

But when the problem is the child’s mental health, it’s not so simple. Knowing when young people can skip school opens up a gray area that can feel difficult to judge.

kids need vacation

A psychologist is encouraging parents to give their children a “mental health day” when they skip school. Getty Images

Almost all young people will have experiences and moods that affect their ability and willingness to attend school. For example, if a young person experiences a traumatic event, it may take some time for them to recover. Add in the usual stress of school at a time like this and kids can feel overwhelmed.

Additionally, if a young person is diagnosed with a mental health condition, professionals may suggest periodic absences from school to support their mental health needs.

Therefore, when considering whether a young person should take a mental health day, it is often important to remember that treatment and recovery from mental health challenges, as well as physical health concerns, often require time. It may be helpful to keep this in mind. .

How’s school?

Attendance at school is important. We know that significant school absences can impact young people’s academic performance and social lives.

As a child, your own mental health needs may not have been considered a sufficient reason to miss school. So you may feel conflicted about keeping your child home for that reason. You may even wonder if they just want to spend some free time away from class.

Establishing some good foundations and habits as a family will help you understand your young person’s mental health on an ongoing basis.

10-point rating scale to help parents

A boy and his mother standing in front of the school
Psychologists suggest a 10-point plan for monitoring children’s mental health. Getty Images

Periodically, ask people to rate their feelings on a scale of 1 to 10.

If your score starts to drop, it may be a sign that you’re not in the best shape when it comes to your mental health, so it may be beneficial to have a mental health day.

If you decide to take young people out of school to support their mental health, setting expectations for how they spend their time can actually help them feel better about their time away from class. There is a possibility.

This could include attending an appointment with a mental health professional or spending time in nature. Also, users may spend part of their day on their devices, but prolonged screen use may not be optimal for their mental health.

If your young person is regularly missing school and asking to stay home, or is simply refusing to go to school, seek help from either the school, a mental health professional, or a support service. It is very important to ask for Or even all three.

Linda Williams is a Senior Psychologist and Clinical Director at ReachOut, Australia’s leading online mental health service supporting young people through difficult times.

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