Home Fitness The best workout for every decade, according to a fitness expert

The best workout for every decade, according to a fitness expert

by Universalwellnesssystems

Many of us want to stay in shape as we age, but when we lose our natural fitness in our early 20s, it can be hard to know where to start.

But what’s important is knowing which type of fitness best suits your body’s capabilities at different stages of life.

From HIIT in the ‘performance’ decades of your 20s and 30s to cycling and Pilates in your 60s and 70s, the experts at London-based fitness brand Circuit Society are the best to do every decade. I spoke to FEMAIL about training for

“The key to maintaining high fitness levels over time is listening to your body,” explains Circuit Society’s Chris Pace. “Your body changes as you age, so you need to train.

Experts at London-based fitness brand Circuit Society do every decade, from HIIT in the decades of “performance” in your 20s and 30s to cycling and Pilates in your 60s and 70s. I spoke to FEMAIL about the best workouts to do (stock image)

“This doesn’t mean you can’t adapt yourself in the same way, it just means you have to adapt to the changes you see and feel in your body.

“Low-impact exercise, which reduces strain on joints and bones, has short and long-term benefits. Whether you’re 18 or 78, your back and knees need attention.

“When looking for new ways to exercise, do your research, be informed, and take your time. increase.

Here’s a look at exercises to do by age…

For those in their 20s and 30s

Workout type: HIIT, CrossFit,

Exercise type: Compound strength training exercises such as dumbbell thrusters, kettle bell swings, and deadlifts.Interval cardio training such as treadmill sprints and boxing

For most people, these will be decades of “performance.”

Whether people are training for a particular sport, fitness competition, mental health, or just to feel good while on vacation, these years are probably the time to train at peak intensity. It will be the year to

HIIT training of some sort has paid us big in recent years.

High-intensity cardio and strength training develop a strong heart and lungs and build muscle mass. This will benefit us greatly in the decades to come.

For those in their 40s and 50s

Workout type: Low impact HIIT, a structured strength training program

Exercise type: Air bike and skierg cardio intervals.

Most people can stick with HIIT for decades, but for most of us, these decades will be years of “maintenance,” building on the strength, fitness, and mobility we’ve built over the past few years. The aim is to ensure that it is maintained.

Staying sharp and lucid is also a big reason people keep training these years. Especially since these last few years tend to make astute decisions in the final stages of your career.

You might also look for low-impact cardio, such as airbikes or ski-ergs, to maintain your cardio intensity without being affected by things like running.

Strength training remains important as we aim to maintain bone density and muscle mass as we age.

The 40s and 50s are the

The 40s and 50s are the “years of maintenance” and people build on the results of the amount of exercise they did in their youth (stock photo).

If you are in your 60s and 70s

Workout type: cycling, incline walking or jogging, TRX, Pilates, yoga,

Exercise type: TRX Squat, BW Plank

Speed ​​inevitably slows down as you get older, but that doesn’t mean you should actually stop training.

How we train depends on the physical restraints we have, if any.

For most people, this means a significant reduction in impact exercise and a gradual reduction in high-intensity aerobic exercise, and for most of us, physical illnesses and injuries we may have. means to deal with

We are likely to focus more on overall health than performance ability.

TRX and suspension training help us perform exercises we may struggle with. Pilates and yoga help maintain mobility and strength. Low-impact strength training is more important than ever to maintain muscle and bone density.

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