Home Fitness The Best Upper Chest Exercises for Stronger and Better-Looking Pecs

The Best Upper Chest Exercises for Stronger and Better-Looking Pecs

by Universalwellnesssystems

This video shows you the best upper chest exercises to build chest muscle, mass, and strength.

The upper chest is often a difficult area to develop for many lifters.

Jeff from Athleen X It explains how you need to understand the anatomy of your chest in order to understand which exercises to use and why (explained in more detail in the video below).

chest anatomy

“It starts with upper body anatomy.

This area of ​​the chest has attachments to the clavicle and the humerus or humerus. However, the most important point is that the fibers in this area are oriented from top to bottom and out.

In other words, with your arms at your sides away from your body, your upper chest serves to lift your arms and cross them diagonally across your body.

If you follow the direction of these fibers and mimic the movements of chest exercises, you can hit the upper chest more effectively.

Source: Photo provided by CrossFit Inc

Due to the fact that the top of the pectoralis major muscle has a separate innervation than the rest of the pectoralis major muscle, better concentration and contraction allows you to target that area more neurologically. ”

Best Upper Chest Exercises – Video

Time stamp

  • 01:33 UCV Raise
  • 01:50 Dual Cable UCV Raise
  • 02:42 Dip
  • 03:17 Upper chest dip
  • 04:00 Push-away push-ups
  • 05:03 sunrise/sunset
  • 06:22 Shrug with one-handed dumbbell
  • 06:55 Upper chest uppercut
  • 07:42 lean back cable press
  • 09:20 jammer press
  • 10:33 Rainbow of mines
  • 12:01 Summary

learn more

check out Perfect 20 minute chest workout..

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