Home Fitness The Best Time to Run to Reduce Belly Fat, According to a Fitness Instructor

The Best Time to Run to Reduce Belly Fat, According to a Fitness Instructor

by Universalwellnesssystems

Maybe you’re an avid runner training for an upcoming marathon, or someone who likes to run a few slow miles once a week. Either way, there’s no doubt that running is great for weight loss and staying fit.

But what if the timing of your run changed, and that effect changed dramatically? According to sports nutritionist Alicia Jones, a morning run is “the best time to get some exercise.”

While it may not be everyone’s favourite, running first thing in the morning in sneakers, Jones said. Newsweek “By exercising first thing in the morning, when energy and cortisol are high, we want to get our natural cortisol rhythm in order.”

Cortisol is a hormone released by the adrenal glands that regulates the body’s response to stress, regulates blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and plays a role in the body’s sleep cycle. People typically have higher cortisol levels when they wake up in the morning and lower cortisol levels in the evening.

Alicia Jones, pictured above, suggests that morning runs are best for those looking to lose weight because of their natural cortisol levels. But if waking up early isn’t possible, getting enough sleep is more important, she advises.Alicia Jones

The Cleveland Clinic suggests that morning cortisol levels range from 10 to 20 micrograms per deciliter, while afternoon and evening levels range from 3 to 10 micrograms per deciliter. It usually peaks in the morning and tapers off as the day progresses.

As a nutritionist and certified fitness instructor, Jones has helped many clients, especially women over the age of 50, lose weight and maintain it.

She explained how important early morning runs are. “You need the most energy to exercise when your cortisol is high. “Down, up.

“Because the body has a flight response, it stores belly fat. When the body goes into the flight response, it needs energy quickly, so it’s easy to store belly fat,” she says.

Research from magazines Frontiers in physiology The study, conducted in 2022, explored the difference between morning and evening training and found it could be an important factor. difference between men and women. A 12-week study concluded that morning exercise was effective in reducing abdominal fat and blood pressure, while evening exercise increased muscle strength in the women who participated.

Male participants showed similar results, although blood pressure and fatigue were significantly reduced in those who exercised in the evening.

Stock image of a woman stretching before a workout. A fitness instructor and nutritionist shared the importance of running in the morning. Rachev/Getty Images

You might think that eating nothing before your run is the best thing to do, but that’s not always the case. Jones emphasizes the importance of properly nourishing your body and providing it with the energy it needs to exercise.

“Be sure to work out in the morning, especially if it’s aerobic-focused, and eat before your workout to ensure you have the energy to reach your maximum level,” she says. Told.

“The old idea was that you had to be fasted to exercise in order to use your fat stores to burn more fat. It’s definitely better to eat than not to eat.” Exercise in a fasted state. “

Jones advises fitness enthusiasts to eat plenty of carbohydrates before a workout, which provides “quick and efficient energy.”

But for some people, exercising in the morning is not an option. Not everyone follows the same routine, and depending on your lifestyle, you may need to train at dusk instead of dawn. She’s a firm believer that running in the morning is better for her weight loss, but that doesn’t mean depriving her of sleep.

Studies have shown that moderate or vigorous exercise increases the circulation of cortisol in the body, so Jones advises people to avoid running late at night and choose other forms of exercise.

“Sleep is more valuable than training, especially when it comes to losing belly fat,” Jones said. Newsweek. “If you need to make sure you get enough sleep and you have to exercise at night to do that, it should be weight training, not long cardio.

“A rise in cortisol at night means you’ll store more fat, have more energy, and have a harder time sleeping at night. Keep going and stay healthy.” Cortisol levels are natural. “

Rachel McPherson, pictured above, says the time of day you exercise isn’t too important. More important than that is to keep exercising.Rachel McPherson

Jones is adamant about the importance of running in the morning, but not everyone is that stubborn. Rachel McPherson, certified exercise nutritionist and author of Health and Fitness, suggests that the best times of the day to exercise simply fit your personal schedule.

She suggested that it was a “primarily personal decision” for each individual and that the time of day offered little benefit.

“The best times to work out are the times that fit into your schedule that fit your lifestyle, previous commitments, motivation and energy levels,” McPherson said. Newsweek. “My best advice is to choose a time slot that fits your lifestyle. If you work out in the morning, that’s good.” And there’s nothing stopping you from getting it done. “

So, whether you’re excited about the route you’re about to take or the overwhelming dread of putting on your sneakers in the morning, sticking to your schedule is fundamental to your results.

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