Have you ever felt your stomach growl late at night and wondered if you should have a snack? Well, you’re not alone. Half of adults admit to reaching for a snack after 8pm. A bag of saltine crackers or potato chips may sound delicious, but they may not be the best option for someone with high blood pressure. It’s high in sodium, which can increase your blood pressure while you’re trying to relax.
When choosing a snack, it’s important to choose one that won’t worsen your symptoms. And if you can improve it, even better. Eating nutritious snacks can help you feel satisfied between meals and prevent you from waking up hungry in the middle of the night. So what is the best snack to have late at night? Even nutritionists recommend kefir! Here’s why:
Kefir is a creamy, easy-drinking fermented milk product with a slightly tangy taste and milkshake-like consistency. It’s rich in essential nutrients like probiotics, magnesium, and potassium, which lower blood pressure and support overall health.
When purchasing kefir, you’ll notice that it comes in a variety of varieties, including fat-free, low-fat, and whole milk options, as well as flavored and unflavored. All are great options, but the plain ones can be easily dressed up with sweet or savory flavors, depending on your desires. For a sweet treat, try our Raspberry Kefir Power Smoothie or our Berry Mint Kefir Smoothie.
Why is kefir great for high blood pressure?
Rich in probiotics
Kefir is rich in probiotics, a collection of bacteria, or “good bugs,” that are beneficial to your gut. Probiotic-rich foods like kefir improve digestion, balance gut bacteria, and support immune and brain health. The probiotics found in kefir also appear to have a positive impact on heart health by helping lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
Research has shown that certain probiotic strains in kefir bind to cholesterol and change its absorption, helping to lower blood cholesterol levels. There is also evidence to suggest that an imbalance in gut bacteria may contribute to high blood pressure in some people.
In a small study of people with metabolic syndrome, those who drank kefir experienced lower blood pressure, lower fasting blood sugar levels, and lower LDL (also known as “bad”) cholesterol levels, while also lowering HDL. It was found that they also showed an increase in cholesterol (known as “good”). . Another study of people with high blood pressure found that those who drank one cup of kefir daily for 28 days had a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure (the first number in a blood pressure reading). It is important to note that both of these studies were small and further research is needed to confirm these results.
Contains potassium
Bananas aren’t the only foods that contain potassium. In fact, one cup of kefir contains about the same amount of potassium as a medium-sized banana. One medium-sized banana contains 422 mg, and one cup of kefir contains 399 mg. Potassium is essential for blood pressure support as it relaxes blood vessel walls and lowers blood pressure. Additionally, research has found that high potassium intake is associated with lower blood pressure levels in people with and without high blood pressure.
Bonnie Taubdix, RDNThe registered dietitian nutritionist points out that potassium has many benefits for the body, including regulating blood pressure. “Potassium promotes the excretion of sodium through urine and relaxes blood vessels.”
provides magnesium
Kefir also contains magnesium, a mineral that has a relaxing effect. “Magnesium helps relax blood vessels, which can lower blood pressure levels. It also plays a role in regulating muscle and nerve function, and may also play a role in aiding sleep,” Taubdix said. She notes that lack of sleep can worsen blood pressure readings, so be sure to include foods containing magnesium in your diet, such as kefir, which helps with sleep.
low in sodium
“Too many people shop without reading food labels, but if you’re told you have high blood pressure, identifying foods high in sodium can be a lifesaver,” says Taubdix. Masu. Kefir is naturally low in sodium, containing only 97 mg per cup. If you’re wondering what other foods are low in sodium and safe to eat late at night, look at food labels. Foods considered “low-sodium” have 140 mg or less of sodium per serving, Taubdix says.
What to look for in snacks for healthy blood pressure
When choosing snacks that support healthy blood pressure, Taub-Dix recommends looking for options that contain potassium, magnesium, and fiber, and are low in sodium.
- potassium: “Potassium is a nutrient that benefits us so much, but it’s hard to believe that most people don’t get enough potassium,” says Taubdix. Not getting enough potassium can actually increase your blood pressure, while increasing your intake of potassium-rich foods can lower your blood pressure. Foods high in potassium include bananas, apricots, leafy green vegetables, potatoes, and dairy products such as yogurt and milk. These all make great snack options.
- magnesium: Magnesium is another important mineral that plays a role in blood pressure regulation. Research shows that supplementing with magnesium can lower blood pressure. Magnesium is found in a variety of foods, from whole grains to leafy greens and nuts.
- fiber: Although only 10% of Americans meet their daily fiber goals, fiber is an important nutrient for improving blood pressure control. Studies have shown a correlation between high fiber intake and lower blood pressure. Taubdix says high-fiber snacks can boost heart health and blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, stabilize blood sugar levels, and keep you fuller longer. Dietary fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.
- Low sodium: Even if a snack seems nutritious, it’s important to check its sodium content. In some cases, the amount can be astronomical. When reading nutrition labels, look at the daily value (DV) for sodium. If it’s 5% or less, it’s considered a low-salt snack. If it exceeds 20%, it contains a lot of sodium. Snacks high in sodium can have a negative effect on blood pressure. Fruits, vegetables, raw nuts, seeds, and certain dairy products such as milk and yogurt are naturally low in sodium.
eat well
Figuring out what to do with your late-night snack can be difficult, but choosing snacks that are high in potassium, magnesium, fiber, and low in sodium can help keep your blood pressure healthy and even lower. The best night snack for high blood pressure is kefir. Kefir contains probiotics, magnesium, and potassium, and is also naturally low in sodium, all of which support healthy blood pressure. Drink it by the glass or blend it into a smoothie for a refreshing, blood pressure-friendly pre-bedtime snack.