Home Fitness The Best Exercise Modifications to Try If You Have Sore Wrists

The Best Exercise Modifications to Try If You Have Sore Wrists

by Universalwellnesssystems

Injuries are always frustrating for a variety of reasons, including not being able to participate in normal daily activities such as working out.What I’ve been suffering from lately wrist sprain andAlthough the injury was fairly minor, it did interfere with my regular exercise routine. I could no longer do the standard practice of yoga, Pirritated or even Barre and weightlifting exercises. Putting any kind of pressure on your wrist will not only cause pain, but will greatly increase the risk of further injury and injury to your wrist. recovery time.

If your wrist is also injured—Whether it’s a sprain or something more serious like a broken bone.The good news is that there are still exercises to get the adrenaline rush you’re craving and strengthen your wrists so you can get back to your regular workout routine in no time.

Which exercises are safe to perform for wrist pain and sprains?

“When you suffer from wrist pain or a sprain, it’s important to choose a workout that won’t strain or worsen the injury,” Mauro S. Maietta, district fitness manager at Crunch Fitness, told Lifehacker. Masu.

Every injury is different and you should consult a medical professional for more specific advice, but here are some options that are usually safe to follow as your wrist heals.

range of motion exercises. “Move your wrist slowly through its full range of motion without causing pain. This will help prevent stiffness,” Maietta says. For example, bring your thumb and remaining fingers together. Next, slowly rotate your wrist to one side as far as you can comfortably. Go back and repeat on the other side. Do this for 30 seconds.

isometric exercises. “Isometric exercises involve static muscle contractions without moving the joints,” Maietta explains. “For example, lightly press your palms together and hold for a few seconds, then release. This will help strengthen your wrist muscles without risking further injury. Additionally, make a fist, hold for 30 seconds, and then release. Take a break and repeat this throughout the day.”

Strengthening fingers and grip strength. “Exercises that focus on fingers and grip strength can indirectly help strengthen your wrists.” For example, use soft resistance putty, hold the putty in your hand, and press it into your hand until your fingertips reach the palm of your hand. Then let go and play with the putty in your hand. Then squeeze it again. Repeat for 2-3 minutes.

low-intensity aerobic exercise. “Tack on low-impact aerobic exercise like walking or stationary cycling to maintain overall fitness without stressing your wrists,” Maietta says.

Things to consider when working out with a wrist injury

Before resuming an exercise routine, Maietta recommends consulting a health care provider, preferably one with expertise in sports medicine or orthopedics, to assess the severity of the injury and provide appropriate guidance. He says it is important to receive. That being said, he shares this advice:

Follow your doctor’s advice. “Follow your health care provider’s recommendations regarding activity restrictions, modifications, and schedules for returning to exercise,” he says.

Use pain as a guide. “Pay close attention to pain. Some discomfort may be expected during rehabilitation, but sharp pain or increased pain is a sign that you’re working too hard,” Maietta explains. “Please refrain from any exercise that causes pain.”

warm up. “Make it a priority to warm up and cool down thoroughly,” Maietta advises. “You can include gentle wrist stretches and range-of-motion exercises. This will help prepare your body for exercise and reduce your risk of injury.”

avoid high impact activities. “Avoid exercises that place high impact on your wrists, such as push-ups, handstands, and boxing, as they can worsen wrist pain,” he says.

rest and recovery. Maietta recommends allowing your wrist enough time to recover between workouts, as overtraining can impede healing.

communicate with the trainer. “Fitness If he works with a trainer, tell him about your wrist injury and have him adjust his training plan accordingly,” Maietta says.

be patient.Perhaps most importantly, Maietta says to remember: Healing timelines vary from person to person, so prioritize the health of your wrist during your recovery process. ”

How to modify common exercises to reduce wrist pain

If you have wrist pain or a sprain, you should avoid activities that make the pain worse and prioritize activities that minimize wrist use. If you’ve recovered enough to do most of your regular exercises but still feel pain when putting weight directly on your wrist, try the following modifications.

Burpees: This weight-bearing exercise can be difficult if you have a wrist injury, but you can reduce the pain by using a bench to perform higher burpees. Try performing the exact same sequence as a regular burpee. However, when jumping back into the push-up portion of the movement, use a higher surface, such as a bench at waist height, to reduce pressure on your wrists.

push ups: Similar to burpees, you can create pressure on your wrists by keeping your hands elevated on a bench, doing knee push-ups, or by placing dumbbells under your shoulders and gripping the handles with your palms facing each other. can be reduced. Depending on your injury, you may want to try other exercises, such as chest presses or chest flyes with dumbbells.

Straight arm plank: This weight-bearing exercise can be modified to use your forearms or with an elevated bench (as in the example above).

Tricep dips: With this weight-bearing movement, you can take some of the pressure off your wrists by pointing your fingers slightly outward or by replacing the exercise with triceps kickbacks or overhead extensions with dumbbells.

As my wrist injury healed, I found that by avoiding all weight-bearing activities, focusing on cardio, and adding modifications like forearm planks, I was able to continue my training routine as much as possible without increasing discomfort. . Within two weeks, I was back to regular exercise.

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