Home Nutrition The Best Dinner for Gut Health, According to Dietitians

The Best Dinner for Gut Health, According to Dietitians

by Universalwellnesssystems

When we use the term “gut health,” we are primarily talking about the health and diversity of your gut microbiome (all the microorganisms that live within your digestive tract). This community of gut bacteria not only influences your digestive health, but it also has a huge impact on your overall health.

“Recent scientific research supports the idea that a balanced, healthy microbiome plays a role in nutrient digestion and absorption, hormone production, neurotransmitter production, metabolism and the immune system, and more.” I am. Mississippi Tami Besta registered dietitian nutritionist with top nutrition coaching specializing in gut health.

One way to support a healthy gut is to eat a diet rich in nutrients, especially plant foods and probiotics. But what does this look like in practice? Let's start with dinner. We spoke to gut health experts to learn how to make a gut-healthy dinner, their recommendations, and how to eat to support your microbiome. Continue reading.

Things to keep in mind when making a gut-healthy dinner

Ingredients rich in probiotics

Probiotics are good-for-you live bacteria that help populate your gut for a healthy microbiome. More research is needed to know if and when probiotic supplements are beneficial. National Center for Complementary and Integrative MedicineTherefore, it is especially important to get probiotics from food sources.

Probiotics are found in foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, tempeh, miso, kefir, and some brands of cottage cheese. Yogurt is also a great probiotic-rich food that you can include in your dinner. You can also use it as a base for dressings and marinades, or drizzle over a bowl of soup. Diana Mesa, RD, CDCESfounder and owner of En La Mesa Nutrition.

prebiotic fiber

Fiber is great for gut health. One type of fiber in particular, called prebiotic fiber, acts as food for healthy bacteria in your gut, allowing them to grow.

“Bacteria in your gut ferment prebiotic fibers, releasing byproducts such as gas and short-chain fatty acids,” Mesa says. “Short-chain fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and are beneficial not only for gut health but also for overall health,” she explains.

Prebiotic foods Best recommends include whole grains, peas, legumes, artichokes, garlic, honey, asparagus, bananas, dandelion greens, and onions. Mesa says she loves incorporating potatoes, legumes, or plantains into her dinner for prebiotic fiber.

plant food

Be sure to include plants in your gut-friendly dinners. 2020 survey nutrients People who eat a Mediterranean diet rich in plant foods have significantly more diverse gut microbiota than those who eat a typical Western diet, which is low in fiber and high in added sugars and animal products. I discovered that. Researchers believe that antioxidants, which are abundant in plant foods, may be involved.

low stress environment

Gut health is about more than just the nutrients you consume. It is also how you eat According to a 2019 study, eating mindfully can promote nervous system regulation and help your body enter “rest and digest” mode for optimal digestion. integrated medicine.

Try eating dinner in a less stressful environment. That means leaving enough time for meals so you don't have to rush, and eating regularly throughout the day so you don't show up to dinner extremely hungry. This will help you chew your food better. “Digestion begins in the mouth, but in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we can eat up quickly,” says Mesa. Slowing down means chewing your food thoroughly, which improves digestion and makes meals more enjoyable, she says.

The best dinners to support your gut health

To maintain a healthy gut microbiome, we recommend roasted salmon with smoky chickpeas and greens. Each serving contains nearly a quarter (6 grams) of your daily intake of fiber and is rich in plant foods that provide prebiotics and antioxidants. Additionally, salmon is a high-quality protein source rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation.

If you want to add grains, we recommend using whole grains like quinoa, wild rice, or barley to add prebiotics. However, if you're just starting to increase your fiber intake, you may want to start with grains like white rice, which are lower in fiber. This recipe is already a good source of fiber, and adding too much fiber too soon can cause digestive issues such as bloating.

Here are three reasons why I love this dinner for gut health.

Rich in prebiotic fiber

This dinner includes legumes, one of Mesa's favorite sources of prebiotics. Toss the chickpeas with oil, paprika, and salt, roast them, and add them to the salmon and kale for a crispy finish. If you have leftover chickpeas after making this recipe, you're in luck. Perfect as a snack on its own or as a topping for a salad for lunch the next day.

Besides chickpeas, this recipe also incorporates kale, another great source of prebiotic fiber. The recipe instructs you to cook kale on the stovetop for a hot meal, but if you want something more refreshing, you can always serve it cold.

Contains probiotics

This recipe includes a creamy green dressing to top the salmon and vegetables. One of the sources of creaminess in the dressing is buttermilk. Buttermilk may (but not always) contain probiotics. (Check the label for living and active cultures.)

If you're not sure if buttermilk contains probiotics, you can also easily add probiotics by substituting plain yogurt for buttermilk or mayonnaise in your recipe. Or you can swap out the dressing and make this Creamy Yogurt Dill Sauce.

anti-inflammatory ingredients

This recipe incorporates several anti-inflammatory ingredients recommended by Best, including green leafy vegetables, fatty fish, and extra virgin olive oil. “Anti-inflammatory foods help keep your intestinal cells healthy,” says Best.

Additionally, chickpeas are flavored with paprika, a spice thought to have anti-inflammatory properties due to their capsaicin content. Capsaicin is responsible for the spicy flavor of foods such as paprika and chili peppers. 2022 survey biomolecule They found that capsaicin may help reduce inflammation and stimulate mucin production in the colon, which supports the growth of healthy gut bacteria.


For a healthy gut, it's important to eat prebiotics, probiotics, and anti-inflammatory foods like fatty fish and leafy vegetables. A great dinner on a budget is Roasted Salmon with Smoky Chickpeas and Greens. To support healthy digestion, experts also recommend eating slowly in a stress-free environment. Besides, when a dinner is this delicious, you want to taste it and enjoy it.

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