Home Fitness The Best Bodyweight Exercises for Strength

The Best Bodyweight Exercises for Strength

by Universalwellnesssystems

Many home workouts claim to make you stronger, but not all of them are actually good at the job. If your heart is pounding and you can’t count how many reps you’ve done, here’s what you’re probably doing. do not have Good strength training workout.

Most of these workouts aren’t too difficult once you get past the beginner level. If he’s fit enough to squat 100 (or 200 or 300) pounds at the gym, no matter how many air squats he does, he won’t put much strain on his muscles.

the same as lift heavy things at the gym, properly challenging bodyweight movements can only be sustained for a small number of reps and should be rested before the next set. So let’s take a look at some moves that really fit the bill.

jackknife pull-ups

in this Instead of doing pull-ups, place your feet on a block or bench and do pull-ups (or pull-ups) as you normally would. It’s easier than a strict pull-up, so you may be able to do it even if you can’t do a real pull-up.And if you can Once you’ve actually done a few pull-ups, you’ll be able to do more.

pike push ups

this movement It’s harder than push-ups, but easier than handstand push-ups. By supporting the weight of your legs on the floor or bench, you only need your arms strong enough to push up the weight of your torso. Raise your legs more and keep your torso upright to make it even more difficult. It will be easier if you lower your legs.

shrimp squat

Squats are much more difficult when you take half your legs out of the equation. shrimp squat This is a variation that keeps the free leg back. If you hold your leg and put your knee on the ground, it will be stiff, but it will be easier if you lightly support your free leg on the ground or on a bench or box. Watch the video above for detailed tips on how to do them.

2 chair dips

Dips are a great exercise for strengthening your arms and chest. Ideally, he would find two parallel bars to perform dips on. (Many parks have handrails installed as part of their fitness trails. If you’re lucky, you might even find a well-placed handrail.) If that’s not an option, try gymnastics rings or If you’re not ready to invest in gymnastics rings, a freestanding dip station is always there double chair dip. Place both hands on one chair and lower yourself as far as you can comfortably between the chairs, planting your feet on the ground if necessary. To make this movement more difficult, place your hands on the back of a chair instead of the seat, or find another high surface, such as a kitchen countertop.

Step up

Here’s another squat alternative. You can add weight to this if needed.these Step up It’s not like a 6 inch aerobics class. Get a nice tall box (or a chair, bench, landscaping rock, etc.) and climb onto it before stepping down. It’s easy by selecting the box below. Make it more difficult by slowing your movements or grabbing weights.

reversed row

Other than pull-ups, there aren’t many bodyweight exercises that work your biceps and lats. In other words, inverted rows are one of the most important elements of a bodyweight routine. You can also do it on a bar (though it may also work on a railing, etc.). this version Can be done under a sturdy table.

harrop curl

If you’re missing deadlifts for your hamstrings, give them a try. This weight shift, work some of the same muscles. All you need is a place to secure your feet. You can also have your partner hold your feet, tuck them under the couch, or secure them to a bench with a belt. The main feature of the Harrop curl is bending your hips while leaning forward. See the next slide for a stricter version.

nordic curl

infamous nordic curl It’s a tough but effective exercise. Similar to pull-ups, you can also use negatives or bands to work toward your goal. Alternatively, you can do Harrop curls until you’re ready to try this more difficult variation.

reverse nordic curl

This movement starts in the same position as the Nordic curl, but bend your body backwards instead of forwardswhich trains the quadriceps rather than the hamstrings. Stronger by Science has the entire article As for why this movement is great for your quads, I honestly felt like it was a “just work your quads, not a single leg squat”.

copenhagen board

copenhagen board Train not only your core but also your adductor muscles (inner thighs). Think of it as a super spicy side plank. It may be easier to do this on your knees, from a lower position, or with a little assistance from your opposite leg.

negative pull up

If you are not satisfied with jackknife pull-ups, negative version Of the usual kind. Slowly lowering your body to the ground engages the same muscles as when you pull yourself up. You can either step off the box, like in this video, or jump to the top of the bar before lowering it down.

ab roll out

Ab wheels are great, but you don’t really need a wheel to do it. You can also put your hands on gymnastics rings or his TRX-style suspension trainer, or do the same thing in the video above. Place the slider under your hand. You can purchase a slider or improvise one using anything that moves easily on your workout surface. (paper plates work wonders Located on many floors. )

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