Home Fitness The Best Ab Exercises | Lifehacker

The Best Ab Exercises | Lifehacker

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Want the chance to develop a strong core, and a six pack? Adding some ab isolation exercises will help target that area. Please continue reading. There are so many myths about this, so we'll explain the best exercises, the best training strategies, and what you can and can't do with ab training.

Location of abdominal muscles and their function

“Ab” stands for abdominal muscles and usually refers to the muscle called the rectus abdominis (RA for short).

The femoral joint is a long vertical muscle on the front of the body that connects the pelvis to the rib cage. When you contract, the front of your pelvis moves closer to the front of your ribcage. (This is what happens when you do crunches.)

The RA has several horizontal lines of connective tissue that divide the muscles into so-called “six packs,” but the number and shape of these sections vary from person to person. Arnold Schwarzenegger is famous for only having a four-pack, and Kumail Nanjiani is famous for having asymmetrical abs. All of these fluctuations are normal and cannot change the structure of your muscles. Only size and strength can be changed.

These days, rather than talking about “ab” training, it's common to talk about “core” training. The core contains many other muscles besides the RA. There are a variety of back muscles, including the transversus abdominis, internal obliques, external obliques, and erector spinae, and some trainers consider the glutes, hip flexors, upper back, and chest muscles when talking about the core. .So core training is not just It's an abdominal muscle training, but strong abdominal muscles contribute to a strong core.

Why planks and sit-ups are not the best abdominal exercises

Classic ab exercises are sit-ups and planks.Neither bad I exercise, but I can do better.

The main problem with sit-ups is that if you do more reps after your sit-ups get tired, other muscles can pull on your spine instead, causing back pain. This is fine if you do, say, 10 sets of sit-ups and then stop while you still have a few good sit-ups to go. But if you do that a lot, can cause back pain.

When sit-ups fell out of favor, planks became the new favorite. On the plus side, it tends to put less strain on your back and you'll be working more of your core muscles, not just your RA. However, planking can be difficult for beginners and a dead-end exercise for advanced practitioners. Once you can hold a plank for a minute or so, you don't need to test your strength as much. No one cares if he can hold a plank for 2, 3, or 10 minutes. That's great, but there are better ways to strengthen your core.

Best Ab Exercises for Complete Beginners: Deadbugs

If your back hurts or your hips sag when doing planks or push-ups, the deadbug is the exercise for you. For this exercise, you lie on your back and raise all four limbs into the air (hence the name), then slowly lower one arm and one leg toward the ground, keeping your torso stable.

If even that is too difficult, which is the case for many beginners, you can reinstate the exercise by doing just one arm at a time or keeping your legs bent. Once you can perform a deadbug with your arms and legs straight and proper form at the same time, you're ready to move on to other exercises.

The perfect ab exercise for people who are tired of planks: Ab rollouts

If you've ever seen one in the corner of a gym, you'll know that this humble ab wheel is super stimulating for your core. You've probably wondered, “Hey, what is this?” And it immediately fell on your face.

To train more efficiently using the ab wheel, Set up to kneel and face a wall. Roll the wheel towards the wall and return to the starting position, trying not to use your hips. Aim for a distance that allows you to do 3 sets of 8-12 reps.

As you get better, you'll be able to move farther away from the wall. The ultimate goal is to move your body out until your belly touches the floor, then back up. And do it standing instead of kneeling.

You'll need an ab wheel to perform this exercise, but don't overthink it. Basic price: $10 per bottle will do great things. In fact, the cheapest ones tend to be: BetterThe less stability allows you to focus your core more.

Honorable mention

There are many great ab exercises out there, but I would like to flag two of them. board saw A great upgrade from a regular plank. Rock your body back and forth, keeping your abdominal muscles tense throughout. To do this, bend and straighten your ankles or place sliders under your feet.

hanging leg raises This is also a great exercise for advanced players. The most difficult variation is to perform it strictly with straight legs, without swinging. If you don't have an ab wheel, hanging leg raises (bend your knees if necessary) are a great alternative to the ab wheel.

Lightning Round: Answers to all your questions about ab training

Now that you have decided how to do sit-ups, I would like to address some questions and myths.

Which ab exercises are best for men and women?

That's a trick question! Choose the right sit-up exercise based on your current strength level, not your gender or aesthetic goals. The best ab exercises for men and the best ab exercises for women are the same list of exercises.

How often should you train your abdominal muscles?

Some people say you should train your abs every day, while others recommend training them “just like any other muscle” with hard sets several times a week.The truth is those abs teeth As with any muscle, both approaches work. (You can also do squats and bicep curls every day if you want, but you should keep it light.)

If you want to train your abs every day, you can continue to do so. However, we recommend doing 3-5 sets of 10 reps, 2-3 times a week. This will give your muscles enough rest and prepare them for the challenge when training. You may find that you have a stronger core than you think.

How can I get a six pack?

A “six pack” is what you get when your abdominal muscles are large enough and the amount of abdominal fat is low enough that you can see some outline of your abdomen when you bend over.

Even if you have a very strong core, your belly fat will determine whether your abs are visible or not. And how fat accumulates differs from person to person. For some people, getting abs is relatively easy, while for others, achieving it requires an unhealthily low body fat percentage.

If you want to get a six pack, you need to train your abdominal muscles Take in fewer calories than you burnbeing lucky in terms of genetics and other uncontrollable factors.

Will these exercises help me lose belly fat?

Shout out for those in the back: Exercising does not necessarily reduce fat in a specific area.. You can train your muscles (such as RA) to grow them or change your diet to reduce or gain overall fat. Those are the two levers you can pull. Deadbugs, ab rollouts, crunches and planks will not affect the amount of belly fat you have.

It also doesn't “tighten” your stomach.it is just a slang word This is to “increase muscle and reduce fat” as I mentioned earlier.However, these exercises intention By strengthening your abdominal muscles, you will improve your athletic performance. Functional, and healthier people. And that, for many of us, makes them worth doing.

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