Home Fitness The benefits of Copenhagen plank, and two other great plank variations

The benefits of Copenhagen plank, and two other great plank variations

by Universalwellnesssystems
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As a trainer, nothing brings me more professional satisfaction than watching my clients perform the perfect plank. There's nothing particularly impressive about this act itself. After all, we're talking about an exercise where the whole point is to stay as still as possible. Not exactly awe-inspiring.

Although basic, the plank is the foundation for almost every other exercise. Seeing a quality plank demonstrated with plenty of time to spare shows that more advanced movements are well within reach. Push-ups, pull-ups, burpees, mountain climbers – what are these if not a moving plank?

If you have mastered the technical nuances of the plank and have the stamina necessary to hold the pose for 60 seconds in either the high position (the top of a push-up) or the low position (forearms on the floor). , you're probably ready to try one of these advances. He recommends starting with short sets of 10 to 20 seconds and slowly working your way up to 1 minute. These small steps will allow you to focus completely on your form while making steady progress toward your final goal.

copenhagen plank

what is that?

of copenhagen board It is a variation of side plank Target your lower back along with your obliques (large muscles on the sides of your abdomen). Start in a sideways position with the bottom of your elbow directly below the corresponding shoulder and the thumb side of your hand facing up. From here, place your top leg on a bench or chair and extend your bottom leg underneath you. Press your grounded arm into the floor as you lift your hips until your body is in a straight line. Hold this position with your bottom leg either on the floor (easy) or floating (quite difficult).

Why bother?

There are not many exercises that are as beneficial for your hip muscles as the Copenhagen Plank. Strengthening these specific muscles can help improve lateral movement and balance. These two qualities enhance every physical aspect of your daily life.

What's next?

Instead of a bench, try resting your feet on a balance ball.

shoulder tap plank

what is that?

High plank variations shoulder tap plank This is a great exercise for increasing upper body muscular endurance while increasing shoulder stability and core strength. The technique is simple. From the top push-up position, simply tap your opposite shoulder with one hand. The difficult part is keeping your back flat. Keep your lower back generally still and do not twist or arch. The wider you spread your legs, the easier this will be. Another way to make this movement more manageable is to tap the bottom of your arm. It's much easier to aim for the elbows and wrists than the shoulders.

Why bother?

Let's be honest, a standard plank is about as exciting as waiting in line at the passport office. Anything we can do to spice things up a bit will benefit us. The shoulder tap plank can also serve as an intermediate step to successfully completing your first full push-up.

What's next?

Speaking of push-ups, if you're strong enough, try adding a push-up into the mix every time you tap or every time you tap.

body saw

what is that?

of body saw This may be the most productive of the plank variations. Every aspect of your core is required, from the rectus abdominis to the erector spinae and everything in between. Get into a low plank position. Place your forearms on the floor and your elbows directly below your shoulders at a 90-degree angle. Imagine you are strapped into a heavy backpack. Don't let your weight break your spine! Maintain this strong posture and shift your weight back toward your feet, moving your shoulders away from your elbows. Pause and pull your shoulders forward to the starting position. Your torso should always remain parallel to the floor.

Why bother?

In addition to making the low plank a little more appealing, the body saw works out one of the most overlooked muscles in your body. serratus anterior. This fan-shaped muscle is located above the rib cage in the armpit and serves to stabilize the shoulder blade when moving the arm.

What's next?

Place your forearms or legs on a balance ball, firm foam roller, or floor slider to increase your range of motion.

paul landini I am a personal trainer and health educator in Kitchener, Ontario.

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