Home Nutrition The #1 Spice to Help Lower High Cholesterol

The #1 Spice to Help Lower High Cholesterol

by Universalwellnesssystems

Culinary spices enhance the flavor of food and amplify the nutritional profile of the dish. Variety is spices It is an important factor in life, especially when it comes to changing the flavour, texture, aroma and most importantly taste of food. Spices are known for their nutritional properties and have been studied for many years for health and medicinal purposes. Using spices to flavor foods can reduce salt and fat during cooking. This is advantageous for many health conditions, especially those with high cholesterol.

No single food or spice can treat high cholesterol, but some spices may have a greater impact on cholesterol than others. Learn more about the specific spices that nutritionists recommend for high cholesterol and why.

Photo recipe: Cinnamon sugar roasted chickpeas

What is high cholesterol?

High cholesterol is one of the warning signs of heart disease. Cholesterol is a waxy substance. The liver produces cholesterol and is necessary for the production of hormones, vitamin D, and other compounds that aid digestion. medline plus. Cholesterol is also found in food. Elevated cholesterol increases the risk of developing plaque. Plaque narrows arteries and causes atherosclerosis, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

american heart association point out that cholesterol levels are one of the major modifiable factors that can be influenced by lifestyle behaviors such as diet and exercise.

Regular physical activity, quitting smoking, reducing stress, and diet can all affect your cholesterol. In fact, a diet rich in fiber is associated with heart health and reduced risk of heart disease. Spices may also increase your body's ability to maintain cholesterol in a healthy range.

Practicing dietitian Dr. Renee Korczak, RDN, CSSD, LD says: ” 2023 review. nutrients.

The number one spice to lower high cholesterol

Cinnamon is the most effective spice for high cholesterol. In part, this is because high cholesterol is often associated with high blood sugar levels, and cinnamon has been shown to help lower blood sugar levels in diabetics. Cinnamon also contains anti-inflammatory properties, and using it as a replacement for fat, sugar, and salt is part of a heart-healthy diet.

Jordan Hill, RDN, CSSCThe registered dietitian at Top Nutrition Coaching advises people with high cholesterol to “incorporate spices like cinnamon, cayenne pepper, garlic, ginger, and turmeric, if you haven't already.” Korczak agrees, saying that these spices are “well described in the scientific literature as improving the taste of foods and beverages and providing health benefits at the same time. However, all spices are created equal. It does not mean.”

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) is derived from the bark of various types of cinnamon trees. Its therapeutic effects, from lowering blood sugar and cholesterol to reducing inflammation, are being studied, according to a 2019 systematic review. clinical nutrition. Cinnamon contains the compounds cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic acid, which are present in the oil. Cinnamon bark contains other bioactive compounds, catechins and procyanidins, which may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Functional food journal.

Most of the research on cinnamon and cholesterol has been studied using cinnamon supplements in people with diabetes or metabolic syndrome. Doses range from approximately 1500 mg to 6 grams per day, with the standard recommended amount being approximately 1500 mg to 4 grams per day (3/4 to 2 teaspoons), and large doses above 1500 mg per day may have negative effects on HDL (good cholesterol). Associated with more favorable effects.

A small randomized clinical controlled trial was published in 2017. Lipids in health and diseaseResearchers investigated the effects of oral cinnamon (3 grams daily) and 2.5 grams of wheat flour over 16 weeks in Asian Indians with metabolic syndrome. Researchers found that the supplement group had significant reductions in body weight, abdominal obesity, total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoproteins (LDL), and blood pressure compared to placebo.

While this is promising, this study has several flaws. The population was not generalizable and the study period was short. Additionally, participants were educated about healthy eating and exercise. Therefore, further research is needed to determine the dosage and duration of treatment that produces positive effects.

In a 2022 meta-analysis and systematic review, frontiers in physiology, Researchers looked at 15 randomized clinical controlled trials in which participants took cinnamon powder or cinnamon extract in doses ranging from 1 to 6 grams based on previous diet, physical activity, and medications. The 15 studies included 1,020 participants with type 2 diabetes, with follow-up ranging from 40 days to up to 4 months. Compared to placebo, the group given cinnamon experienced a reduction in LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Should I take cinnamon supplements?

If you are taking medications to manage high cholesterol or lower blood sugar levels, be sure to discuss supplements with your health care provider before starting. Professor Korczak said: “It is difficult to say that any particular spice will completely lower cholesterol levels, as the results are somewhat inconsistent due to differences in study designs, populations studied, amounts and forms of spices.” ing. Therefore, cinnamon supplements should not be used as a replacement, but as an aid to lifestyle modifications, a fiber-rich diet, regular physical activity, adequate sleep, and weight loss (if necessary).

Using cinnamon in cooking can be beneficial. Cinnamon powder can be used in amounts of 1/4 to 1 teaspoon per day. Note that cassia cinnamon contains more coumarin, a compound that can affect the liver if taken in large amounts, than Ceylon cinnamon. If you plan on consuming cinnamon on a regular basis, you may want to search for Ceylon cinnamon.

How to incorporate cinnamon into your diet

Adding spice to your meal plan is fun, delicious, and beneficial to your health. “There are endless possibilities for how you can use spices,” says Hill. She recommends “adding cinnamon when baking, adding cinnamon to coffee grounds before brewing, adding it to pancake batter, or sprinkling it on Greek yogurt.” She can use cinnamon to flavor chili, soups, and stews, use dry rubs as a source of protein, and use cinnamon bark to make tea as a delicious drink. If you're looking for an appetizing way to start, make this Caribbean Girlfriend Bowl.

Other ways to lower cholesterol

Overall, diet quality is important in lowering cholesterol. Eating a variety of plants, including whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables, increases your intake of fiber, which is key to lowering cholesterol.

“Choose proteins that are low in saturated fat,” says Hill. “Choose chicken, turkey, fish, and plant-based proteins like tofu and tempeh.” She also says to maintain a healthy weight, cut back on red meat, cheese and alcohol, and get regular exercise. We recommend that you incorporate it. ” Finally, “If you want to lower your cholesterol levels, talk to a qualified medical professional,” says Korczak.


Although the data on cinnamon and cholesterol are promising, simply adding cinnamon to your diet without changing your overall dietary pattern will not lower cholesterol. But replacing salt, sugar, and saturated fat with spices is a great way to improve your health. Using cinnamon in addition to lifestyle changes can be a complementary tool for lowering cholesterol.

If you are interested in the benefits of taking cinnamon as a supplement, please seek individual advice from a registered dietitian or other qualified health professional. It is important to investigate drugs that may cause drug-nutrient interactions.

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