Home Nutrition The #1 Anti-Inflammatory Snack to Buy at Walmart

The #1 Anti-Inflammatory Snack to Buy at Walmart

by Universalwellnesssystems

It’s mid-afternoon and my stomach is rumbled. It’s time for a snack to keep your energy levels up. With the endless variety of snacks available, you may be wondering which one is best if you also want health benefits like preventing chronic inflammation.

It’s important to clarify that not all inflammation is bad. In fact, acute inflammation is necessary to combat foreign invaders. However, if it persists for months or years, chronic inflammation develops. Chronic inflammation is also one of the underlying causes for the development of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and arthritis, to name a few. Including anti-inflammatory foods in your daily meals and snacks may reduce the risk or delay the onset of these symptoms.

Whether you’re a regular Walmart shopper stocking up on grocery essentials or a sporadic visitor who only buys one or two items, there are snacks we recommend you try. Read on to find out what this snack is all about.

What to Look for in an Anti-Inflammatory Snack

Here’s a criteria checklist recommended by nutritionists when looking for anti-inflammatory snacks.

Made from simple materials

To see what your snack consists of, pay attention to the ingredient list. Ideally, the shorter the list the better, meaning minimal to no additives. Products with long ingredient lists may be further processed, especially if they contain additives.

Minimal added sugar

Too much sugar in your diet increases your risk of causing inflammation, which increases your risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.

Surprisingly or not, sugar goes by many names, including sucrose, cane sugar, and corn syrup. Be sure to check the ingredients and nutrition facts for grams of sugar per serving.

Be aware that sugar can be added from other food sources as well as unexpected things like ready-made soups and condiments.of American Heart Association recommends limiting daily sugar intake to 6 teaspoons (25 grams) for women and 9 teaspoons (36 grams) for men. If you frequently consume other sources of added sugar, it is ideal to choose snacks with 1 teaspoon (4 grams) or less of added sugar. However, if you want to limit your intake throughout the day, snacks of 8 grams or less are sufficient.

Do you have a sweet tooth and prefer snacks with minimal or no added sugar instead? Include sweet fruits such as cherries, dates and freeze-dried fruit that give products a natural sweetness without added sugar looking for snacks

Contains at least 3 grams of fiber

Fiber not only keeps your gut healthy, but it also helps stabilize blood sugar levels, manage cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation, and more.

The gut is one of the body’s lines of defense, so eating fiber nourishes your gut bacteria, increases the diversity and abundance of good bacteria, and keeps bad bacteria at bay.

Consuming fiber-containing snacks also contributes to your overall fiber intake. Since you need at least 28-34 grams of fiber each day, 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, incorporating dietary fiber throughout the day can help meet this recommendation. Choosing snacks that provide at least 1/10th of your total daily intake is a good starting point. Every gram matters.

low in sodium

Sodium is an essential nutrient for regulating body fluids, maintaining blood pressure, and supporting nerves and muscles in the body. However, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 90% of Americans consume more salt than recommended. On average, an American consumes about 3,400 mg of sodium daily, but the recommended sodium intake for him is 2,300 mg. As a further advantage, American Heart Association (AHA) recommends limiting to 1,500mg. Too much salt can lead to various health conditions, such as high blood pressure, and exacerbate inflammation in the body.

Flavorful snacks like nuts are a great snack option with satiating protein and healthy fats to boost your energy levels or fuel you between meals, but many don’t. It may have added salt.

So look for low-sodium or no-salt snacks to keep your sodium intake at a healthy level. When reading the Nutrition Facts label, choose snacks with 10% or less of your daily sodium intake (DV).

The best anti-inflammatory snacks at Walmart

For the reasons above, this retailer’s anti-inflammatory snacks are: walmart cashew cookie dates & nut bars.

why so awesome

This date and nut bar contains only two nutritious ingredients: cashews and dates, with no added salt, sugar or fat.

Rich in fibrous vegetable protein and healthy fats, cashews help you feel fuller longer and feel more satisfied. Research results published in 2023 nutrients Nuts have a positive impact on inflammatory markers and may play a role in reducing oxidative stress.

Similar to cashews, dates also contribute to the bar’s total fiber content. According to a 2020 article, Science of total environment, dates also contain powerful antioxidants. The natural sugars in dates make this bar a sweet and nutritious option for diabetics.

Fruit and nut bars also meet the recommendations above. It contains at least 3 grams of fiber, no added sugar, and very minimal sodium at 5 milligrams.

Cashews and dates are sources of iron, and this product provides one tenth of your daily iron intake. This makes me even happier.

Last but not least, fruit and nut bars are a convenient snack option that’s easy on the wallet and filling.


When you stop by Walmart for groceries and other essentials, check out the snack corner and grab a box or two of private label cashew cookie dates & nut bars. This unique fruit and nut bar contains just two ingredients that provide anti-inflammatory benefits. Additionally, this bar contains no sugar or additives.

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