Home Products Texas man catches ANTHRAX after eating contaminated lamb meat

Texas man catches ANTHRAX after eating contaminated lamb meat

by Universalwellnesssystems

Luke Andrews, Senior Health Reporter, Dailymail.Com

Updated June 7, 2024 17:02, June 7, 2024 17:03

In an “unusual case,” a Texas man was hospitalized with anthrax after butchering a dead lamb and cooking its meat.

A man in his 50s said a cow on his farm had been healthy but suddenly died, so he cooked the meat and ate it with two others.

But a week later, he was hospitalized with blistered, swollen and blackened skin on his right arm.

Tests confirmed that he had been infected with anthrax, a rare bacterial infection that kills one in two people who become infected.

A Texas man was hospitalized for a week after cooking lamb infected with anthrax (stock image)
The patient suffered from blackened, rotting skin on his right arm, resembling the image above (stock)

However, the other two people who ate the meat did not become ill, possibly because the heat of cooking the meat killed any bacteria.

Doctors who treated him suspect the bacteria may have gotten onto his skin when they removed the innards of an infected animal.

Clarifying CDC cases Morbidity and Mortality Weekly ReportScientists said it was a cautionary tale warning people not to eat dead animals.

They write: “The processing of animals that have died suddenly and for unknown reasons should be avoided, regardless of the season.”

Doctors treated the patient with ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic used to treat gonorrhea, salmonella, plague and anthrax, and the patient recovered and was released from the hospital within a week.

he, The Texas “Anthrax Triangle” is the area in the southwestern part of the state where anthrax has historically been found.

The patient became infected after cooking lamb on Christmas Eve, but anthrax infections are not common in winter when temperatures are cooler.

But an unseasonably warm December may have allowed anthrax bacteria, which normally go dormant during the colder months, to remain active in the soil.

The image above shows the anthrax triangle in Texas (yellow) and the counties with recorded anthrax infections (yellow) from 2000 to 2018.

It is not known how the lambs became infected with anthrax, but in most cases this happens when animals ingest anthrax spores.

The disease spreads rapidly from the intestine to the bloodstream, causing septicaemia and can cause sudden death in sheep without any obvious symptoms.

There are two main ways that humans can become infected with anthrax from sheep carcasses: through the skin (when contaminated body fluids from the carcass enter a wound) or through ingestion (when meat from an infected animal is eaten).

Anthrax can also be transmitted through the air when spores become airborne and are inhaled or through contaminated needles.

Anthrax infections are rare in the United States, with about five cases recorded each year, but they always remain an emergency because of their high mortality rate.

The disease has been famously used as a biological weapon, even being sent through the mail during the 9/11 attacks, which killed five Americans and sickened 17 others.

Infected people start to experience symptoms between one and seven days after exposure, depending on how they were infected.

When the skin is infected, the disease first causes a raised swelling and then a characteristic black eschar.

However, patients with airborne infection may experience flu-like symptoms for 2 to 3 days and then suddenly experience difficulty breathing.

To treat infections, doctors tend to use antibiotics to kill the bacteria and keep patients in intensive care units.

Anthrax was first described in the 1700s, but infections believed to be caused by the disease are also recorded in the Bible and Homer’s Iliad.

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