Home Fitness Tested positive to COVID? Go easy on yourself – try not to rush back to work or exercise

Tested positive to COVID? Go easy on yourself – try not to rush back to work or exercise

by Universalwellnesssystems

With COVID quarantine rules largely repealed, some people are feeling pressure to rush back to work, school, or other activities after testing positive for COVID.

If your symptoms are mild, you may want to continue working (remotely) despite being infected and quickly return to your regular exercise program to avoid losing fitness.

But while we may be accustomed to bouncing back quickly after other viruses, we should be more careful with COVID. Aside from the risk of infection, excessive exercise could exacerbate and prolong her COVID symptoms.

Pushing too hard can cause it to back off

clinical guidelines recommended Get plenty of rest if you’ve been diagnosed with COVID. Recovering too quickly or too quickly from her initial COVID infection can slow progress.

About 4 in 5 people with COVID will recover from mild illness, Within 1 monthfor others it may take months or longer.

If symptoms such as fatigue or shortness of breath persist for more than 3 months, long covidUp to 89% of people with long COVID experience fatigue after exerciseExcessive physical or mental activity can exacerbate symptoms such as fatigue and cause new symptoms such as pain and anxiety.

So you tested positive for COVID. How can you tell if you are well enough to return to your normal routine?

Here are five tips.

1) over time

If you don’t feel well, use your right to paid time off. If you have paid time off, even a day or two is a good time to relax and unwind.

After COVID, it may be tempting to go back to work quickly, but if you’re working, don’t attend work for at least seven days. High risk setting health, disability, aged care and more. Other employees are advised to quarantine themselves until they become infected. symptoms subside.

read more:
How should COVID be managed without rules? Keep testing and if positive stay home

If you feel tired but want to get back to work, start with half a day or work for a few hours and then ramp up to your normal workload.

2) Pace, Plan, Priorities

Pacing, planning and prioritizing During the duration of COVID symptoms, it is important to:

  • Pace yourself by breaking your activity into smaller, more manageable tasks with breaks in between

  • plan activities in advance

  • Prioritize what you need to do over what you want to do.

If you are recovering from COVID, adjust your pace.
Pexels/Sarah Chai

If you are struggling with fatigue while recovering from COVID, occupational therapist Or a physical therapist can offer further strategies to manage this condition.

3) Wait 7 days for symptoms to go away before exercising

While you may feel ready to start exercising once your symptoms subside, it’s important to wait at least until your COVID symptoms are gone to avoid over-exercising. seven days.

Start with light intensity exercises that make you feel like you can breathe easily, keep talking, and stay active for hours. At first she is 10-15 minutes.

Exercise again only when you feel recovered from the previous day’s exercise without new or worsening symptoms such as fatigue or pain.

read more:
Recovering fitness after COVID infection can be difficult.5 things to keep in mind before you start exercising again

4) Ask for help

Consider stopping by a friend or family member if you experience more severe symptoms from COVID. They can take paid caregiver leave or two days off. unpaid care leave For casual workers when you need to care for someone with COVID.

If you’re having trouble managing your health or other financial pressures, contact your financial institution to discuss a payment plan.

If you work in a high-risk environment such as health, disability or elderly care, additional government support We will help you get through the period when you cannot work due to the influence of the new coronavirus.

A man sits at a kitchen table with his head in his hands
If you’re struggling, ask family and friends for help.
Pexels/Andrew Neal

5) Know when to see your healthcare provider

If you are over 70 (or over 50 with additional risks, or Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander over 30 with additional risks), ask your doctor about: antiviral drug As soon as you test positive for COVID. Antiviral medications reduce her chances of hospitalization with severe COVID and ideally he takes within 5 days of diagnosis.

If you are managing COVID at home, symptom checker Find out if you need medical advice for your condition.

read more:
6 steps to plan for COVID before you get sick

If your symptoms persist after your first COVID infection, talk to your doctor. monitor your status If necessary, we will refer you to other health care professionals to help manage your symptoms.

While there are currently no drugs to treat COVID symptoms such as fatigue, exercise-based health professionals such as physical therapists can set up an exercise program and progress accordingly to reduce it. Malaise Helps with shortness of breath.

Mahatma Gandhi was right when he said ‘Health is your true wealth’ so be kind to yourself as you recover from COVID.

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