Home Products Taking a Dip in Cold Water May Cut “Bad” Body Fat

Taking a Dip in Cold Water May Cut “Bad” Body Fat

by Universalwellnesssystems

Leading scientists suggest that cold water soaks may reduce “bad” body fat in men, lowering their risk of diseases such as diabetes.

Current scientific research indicates that swimming in ice may reduce “bad” body fat, but the health benefits beyond that are unknown.

Cold water immersion may reduce “bad” body fat in men and reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes. This is the result of the survey. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, a Peer-reviewed journal.

According to the authors, many of the 104 studies they analyzed showed significant effects of cold-water swimming, including brown fat, also known as “good” fat, which helps burn calories. They say this may protect against obesity and cardiovascular disease.

However, the review was overall inconclusive about the health benefits of cold water bathing, an increasingly popular hobby.

Many of the available studies had small numbers of participants, often of only one sex, and varied in water temperature and salinity. Additionally, according to a team of scientific experts from the Norwegian Arctic University and Northern Norway University Hospital, it’s unclear whether winter swimmers are naturally healthier.

“It is clear from this review that there is growing scientific support that spontaneous exposure to cold water can have beneficial health effects,” said UiT lead author James Mercer. .

“A number of studies have demonstrated significant effects of cold-water immersion on various physiological and biochemical parameters. However, the question of whether these are beneficial to health is difficult to assess.

“Based on the results of this review, many of the claimed health benefits of regular cold exposure may not be causal. It may be explained by other factors such as processing, social interactions, and positive thinking.

“Without more definitive research, this topic will continue to be a subject of debate.”

Weight loss, increased libido, and improved mental health are among the many health and well-being claims that emerge from regular cold-water advocates and anecdotal cases.

Cold exposure also appears to increase the production of the hormone adiponectin by adipose tissue. This protein plays an important role in protecting against insulin resistance, diabetes, and other diseases.

The activity is gaining interest around the world and takes many forms, including swimming in cold water during the winter months.

Determining whether voluntary exposure to cold water affects human health was the primary goal of the review. The methodology included a detailed survey of the scientific literature.

Studies in which participants wore wetsuits, were accidentally submerged in cold water, or had water temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius were excluded from the review.

Topics of research included in the review included inflammation, the immune system, adipose tissue, blood circulation, and oxidative stress.

Immersion in cold water has a profound effect on the body, triggering a shock response that includes an increased heart rate.

Several studies have provided evidence that cardiovascular risk factors actually improve in cold-adapted swimmers. However, other studies show that the load on the heart is still increasing.

This review provided insight into the positive association between cold-water swimming and brown adipose tissue (BAT), a type of “good” body fat that is activated by cold. Burns calories to maintain body temperature, unlike “bad” white fat that stores

Cold exposure in water or air also appears to increase production of the hormone protein adiponectin by adipose tissue.It plays an important role in protecting against insulin resistance, diabetes, and other diseases.

A review found that repeated cold-water immersion during winter significantly increased insulin sensitivity and decreased insulin levels. It was intended for both inexperienced and experienced swimmers.

However, the researchers emphasized the varied profile of the swimmers who participated in the study. A wide range of people were included, even those who did not.

Others were not strictly ice baths, but cold water soaks as a post-workout treatment.

According to the authors, education is also needed about the health risks associated with immersion in ice water. These include the consequences of hypothermia, and heart and lung problems often associated with cold shock.

See: “Health Effects of Voluntary Exposure to Cold Water – Subject to Continuing Debate,” Didrik Esperand, Luis de Wield, and James B. Mercer, 22 Sept. 2022, Available here. International Journal of Circumpolar Health.
DOI: 10.1080/22423982.2022.2111789

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