Home Health Care Taiwan to boost digital health capacity with HIMSS partnership

Taiwan to boost digital health capacity with HIMSS partnership

by Universalwellnesssystems

Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Bureau and HIMSS recently signed a memorandum of understanding to further advance the country’s digital health transformation.

According to a media release, the MoU focuses on the key areas of population health, digital capacity building, cybersecurity resilience, and workforce development.

Why is it important?

This international partnership aims to transform Taiwan’s healthcare into “tomorrow’s post-pandemic healthcare system.”

Leverage HIMSS to take an evidence-driven approach to building a digital health ecosystem. digital health indicator Digital maturity model.

The memorandum also allows NHIA to leverage HIMSS subject matter experts, thought leadership, and advice in strengthening healthcare system cybersecurity. You can also enlist the assistance of HIMSS’ global analytics team, government relations team, and cybersecurity partners to help manage data and system risk.

In addition, NHIA and HIMSS will jointly deliver regionally focused and targeted workforce capacity building programs, including carefully selected courses, specialty certifications, and certified continuing education from world-renowned health professionals, and provide digital We will support the upskilling of domestic workers in health.

bigger trends

For many years, large hospitals have been at the forefront of the digital transformation of Taiwan’s healthcare. In terms of EMR maturity, some of them have been validated at HIMSS Stage 6 and Stage 7. Electronic medical record introduction model (EMRAM), including the latest revalidation of Stage 7 of China Medical University Hospital (CMUH). Taiwan as a nation also received Stage 7 EMRAM certification in 2019.

CMUH also demonstrates the local hospital’s world-class capabilities in health IT infrastructure and analytics. We recently became the first in the country to obtain Stage 7 verification. Infrastructure deployment model and stage 6 Deployment models based on analytics maturity.

Meanwhile, last year, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taoyuan City has been recognized as the second-highest ranked organization in the global HIMSS DHI.

On record

“The adoption of digital health is an important step for Taiwan’s health system to improve health equity and patient outcomes. Through this partnership, NHIA and HIMSS will increase patient access and protect patient data. “Together, HIMSS and NHIA will continue to contribute to Taiwan’s healthcare transformation.” said Hal Wolf, President and CEO of HIMSS. said in a statement.

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