Of the several parameters that determine an individual’s lifespan, hand grips are not much talked about. A study …
Diagnosing the cause of numbness in your hands is often like searching for the cause of an elusive …
Don’t be surprised if in a few years you find yourself standing behind a chocolate lab, Scottish fold, …
Ozempic continues to win the year-end list highest honor For achievements in science. But in this new golden …
Commuting longer than 30 minutes either way is associated with increased likelihood of depressionAccording to a study published …
A 50-year-old Swedish woman who lost her hand in a farming accident has been fitted with a cutting-edge …
Britain’s first hand transplant patient tells how he saved his wife’s life by performing CPR after she went …
Comments on this story comment Fifteen years ago, Jack Schultz first noticed that some of his fingers were …
Flu season is approaching, but it’s not the worst you should fear. Tridemic This year is the result …