Home Fitness Superfruit helping you burn more fat while exercising revealed

Superfruit helping you burn more fat while exercising revealed

by Universalwellnesssystems

Scientists say blueberries help the body burn more fat during exercise.

Fruit may also reduce stress in the body.

Blueberries Help Your Body Burn More Fat During Exercise, Scientists SayCredit: Getty
Fruit may also reduce stress in the bodyCredit: Getty

US researchers gave a group of cyclists blueberry powder two weeks before cycling.

They found that the rate of fat burning during moderate exercise was increased, and the group also burned less glycogen, increasing endurance levels.

The report states: “This study suggests that consumption of wild blueberries is more [fat oxidation] rate during an exercise protocol aimed at maximizing fat oxidation using moderate-intensity exercise in healthy, trained men.

“This new study documented an increase after 14 days of wild blueberry consumption. [fat oxidation]decreasing [carbohydrate oxidation] Forty minutes of moderate-intensity cycling reduced plasma lactate levels. ”

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