Home Mental Health Study: Ketamine may help alleviate depression — and more

Study: Ketamine may help alleviate depression — and more

by Universalwellnesssystems

Medical Watch Digest for July 14, 2023

Treatment for depression

Ketamine is also effective in treating the most severe forms of depression when other treatments have failed.

We first talked about ketamine when local patients were getting IVs in hopes of feeling better.

now University of New South Wales Doctors say tests have shown that at least 20% of people had complete remission of their depression symptoms after a month of biweekly injections.

While that number may seem small, experts say the number of people who do not respond to talk therapy, antidepressants and electroconvulsive therapy is much higher.
And in the final analysis, one-third of patients said their depressive symptoms were reduced by at least 50%.

Good sleep also boosts mental health

A new study found that quality sleep promotes resilience against depression and anxiety. York University.

Researchers say that getting enough restful sleep can help people reframe their situations better and see the positive side.

This result held true during the pandemic, during periods of sustained stress, and for years thereafter.

Well-rested study participants adopted better coping strategies that support positive mental health.

Music as a mood enhancer

Music has an uplifting effect, and doctors now say even babies feel the power of live music.
Psychologists at the University of Toronto found that babies watching live baby opera synchronized their heart rates and were more focused than babies watching the same show with delayed recording.

The babies’ heart rates on the live show went up and down to match the drama, and they paid close attention.
Experts believe the experience of interacting with musicians and the social experience of being in a crowd brought joy.

The study authors say their findings may provide some insight into why people are wired not only to consume music but also to attend live shows.

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