Home Mental Health Stress at Work: How to Feel Happier When Quitting Isn’t an Option

Stress at Work: How to Feel Happier When Quitting Isn’t an Option

by Universalwellnesssystems

When Minda Hertz was 35 and working in a fundraiser, she became increasingly frustrated. Her manager saw her as a “utility player” who could “place anywhere” and still get the job done. She wanted to be a leader.

“For a long time, I always walked on eggshells. I never thought I could use my voice in the same way as my colleagues. I didn’t want to be taken away,” she said. Mr. Hertz, who is now a writer and a workplace consultant.

This year, Pew Research Research Only about half of US workers were found to be very or very satisfied with their jobs. and, Recent research A study commissioned by the American Psychological Association and conducted by Harris Poll reported that about one in five workers said they worked in a toxic workplace.

Hertz considered quitting, but realized it wasn’t the best solution.

So she stayed and asked me to take on a bigger project. She was eventually promoted to a senior consultant role. Years later, Hertz finally decided to leave her job and use her newfound skills to start her own company.

If you’re dissatisfied with your job but can’t afford to quit, there may be ways to remedy the situation. Here are some suggestions.

When you feel stuck or frustrated at work, it’s easy to get stuck in a negative thought cycle. Rather, approach the problem with curiosity, experts say.

Amy C. Edmondson, a leadership professor at Harvard Business School, advises asking yourself what’s holding you back at work. And ask: What can you control? “

“Think how empowering that is,” says Edmonson. “Obviously the biggest thing you can do is withdraw. But there are smaller things too.”

Edmondson suggested meeting with your boss to discuss your aspirations and ask for specific feedback.

Other experts recommend consulting people outside the organization, such as friends, family members, career counselors, and occupational psychologists, to gain another perspective.

“That alone, as a first step, can often lead to improvement,” says Dennis Stoll, senior director of applied psychology at the American Psychological Association.

If you are disappointed in your role, there may be a mismatch between expectations and reality. What do you want out of your job? is that realistic? If not, is it more feasible to do it over a longer period of time or with a separate team?

Try to be flexible, said Edmonson.

“We live in a volatile and uncertain world,” she said. “It’s fine to have a five-year plan, but recognize that it’s hypothetical, not factual.”

And working hard means always learning how to add value to the company, she added.

But for many workers, the pandemic has sparked a rebellion against the work-first mentality. Some employees have accepted quietly quitting or putting in minimal effort to get the job done.

“For overworked and undervalued people, these behaviors can be helpful,” says Professor Mindy Shoth. He holds a PhD in psychology from the University of Central Florida and is an expert in worker well-being. But quietly retiring won’t advance her career in the long run, she said.

Ambition is often thought of as a good quality, but it can sometimes go awry.

“Ambition can be harmful when it overshadows all other wants and needs, such as the need to care for oneself and the need for community,” said All the Gold Stars. ‘ author Rainsford Stauffer said in an email.

In her book, Stauffer always said “yes” and explained how her urge to juggle multiple jobs had caused her health to deteriorate.

She eventually learned to broaden the scope of her ambitions and focus more on her community and personal interests.

If you feel frustrated at work, chances are many of your colleagues feel the same way.

But if so, don’t just take out your anger and gossip, Dr. Stoll said. Find honest and constructive ways to support each other, he added.

Hartz said she found community by participating in after-work activities such as volunteering and professional development workshops with her colleagues.

“I know it’s a common misconception that you have to go to happy hour to find a tribe, but there are other ways to find like-minded colleagues,” she says.

Sometimes, just a few small changes can make your job more enjoyable. Do you need more flexibility in your schedule, or do you need to work from home more often? What about transfers to other departments?

If you have applicable conditions, such as major depression or post-traumatic stress disorder, you are legally entitled to reasonable accommodations to help you do your job.

But even if it doesn’t, it’s never a bad thing to ask, especially if you can argue that your desired environment will improve your job performance.

Finally, while it’s difficult, try to stay optimistic, Dr. Stoll said.

“I’m not talking about irrational optimism,” he added, “but the feeling that this too will pass.”

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