Home Products Stop saying fully vaccinated, use ‘up-to-date’ instead

Stop saying fully vaccinated, use ‘up-to-date’ instead

by Universalwellnesssystems

If you still say you’re “fully vaccinated” for Covid, it’s time to stop.

With new boosters on the market and an ever-evolving virus, experts say the term no longer means the most protected you can be. He points out two far more appropriate alternatives for doing so: being “up-to-date” with the Covid vaccine, or simply indicating whether you’ve gotten the latest booster shots.

“I would certainly say that we should stop using it and put it aside completely. ‘Fully vaccinated’ is not the word we want to use. Cindy PrinceAn epidemiologist at the University of Florida told CNBC Make It.

The definition of full vaccination has not changed since the first Covid vaccine was deployed almost two years ago. This means the first two doses of a vaccine from Pfizer, Moderna, or Novavax, or one dose from Johnson & Johnson. is.

Here’s why experts say you shouldn’t use the term anymore, and what you should do instead.

What’s wrong with saying “fully vaccinated”?

What should I say instead?

Say you’re “up to date” about Covid vaccines, Prins recommends. This means that you are most protected in the moment.

Vocabulary changes can affect how you communicate with people around you. For example, you should make sure your loved ones are “up to date” on vaccines before coming to a gathering you’re hosting, says Prins.

This phrase risks feeling jargon. Susan Hasig, associate professor of epidemiology at Tulane University. “There’s an assumption that when people ask if they’re up to date, they have a shared understanding of what that means, but that may not be the case,” she says.

Hassig points out a more “functional question” that you can ask instead. Got a new booster?

“It would be good if they didn’t know what you were asking. [up-to-date] I mean,” she says.

You can always educate those around you on what “latest” means, Prince points out. That may include knowing the eligibility guidelines for various Covid shots and finding ways to “respectfully” ask friends and family if they meet their dose requirements.

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