Home Fitness Steep physical decline with age is not inevitable – here’s how strength training can change the trajectory

Steep physical decline with age is not inevitable – here’s how strength training can change the trajectory

by Universalwellnesssystems

Raise your hand if you find yourself climbing stairs on a regular basis. What about carrying heavy bags of groceries? Would you like to pick up your children or grandchildren? Most of us would raise our hands to do at least one of these weekly, or even daily.

As a person ages, it can become increasingly difficult to perform some physical tasks, even the normal activities of daily life. However, if you prioritize your physical strength and health as you age, you will be able to live a normal daily life without feeling physically exhausted at the end of the day.

It also helps you hold on to special memories with your family and loved ones that you might not have had if you weren’t physically active. For example, I ran two half marathons with my dad when he was in his 60s.

I’m an exercise physiologist who studies how people can stay healthy. Using resistance training to improve human performanceWhether in sports or other recreational settings, in daily life, or both. I am also a certified strength and conditioning specialist. My career has given me the opportunity to design exercise programs for children, college athletes, and seniors.

You don’t have to run a half marathon or try to be a bodybuilder to stay physically active as you age. It could be as simple as getting through the day without feeling tired after climbing the stairs. Our muscles naturally weaken as we age, but there are ways to prevent them from weakening to improve your quality of life as you age.

Muscle loss and chronic disease

One of the most important parts of any exercise program, no matter who you work with, is proper resistance training to build muscle strength. Some age-related decline in muscle function is normal and inevitable. However, appropriate and safe resistance training at any ability level can slow the rate of decline and even prevent some loss of muscle function.

A medical term that refers to the following conditions: Age-related loss of muscle function and mass is sarcopenia.Sarcopenia can develop as early as age 40, but the trend is More common in adults over 60 years old. Sarcopenia is associated with many health problems, including: Increased risk of falling, cardiovascular disease and metabolic diseaseamong others.

One of our team’s previous studies found that even healthy people with sarcopenia have problems. Deliver important nutrients to muscles. This can increase your chances of developing various diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, and slow your recovery from exercise.

Recent estimates suggest that sarcopenia plays a role. 10% to 16% of the elderly population worldwide. However, even if you are not clinically diagnosed with sarcopenia, there may be some underlying symptoms that can lead to sarcopenia if left unaddressed.

strength training is key

So the question is, what can be done to reverse this decline?

Recent evidence suggests that one of the main factors causing sarcopenia is: low muscle strength. In other words, a proper strength training program may be the best way to combat sarcopenia, reverse it, or both. Prioritize physical fitness. In fact, my muscle strength seems to be decreasing. occurs at a much faster rate This emphasizes the importance of proper strength training as we age, rather than the loss of muscle size.

Typical age-related changes in strength and size with and without strength training.Zachary Gillen

Regular moderate to heavy strength training is not only effective in combating the symptoms of sarcopenia; Very safe if done properly. The best way to make sure you’re doing your strength training properly is to seek guidance from a qualified individual, such as a personal trainer or strength and conditioning specialist.

Despite the obvious benefits of strength training, it has been found that only about 13% of Americans over the age of 50 do some form of strength training. strength training at least twice a week.

find what suits you

So how can you properly strength train as you get older?

The National Strength and Conditioning Association, the organization that leads the advancement of strength and conditioning around the world, says this about older adults: Strength training 2-3 days a week Very helpful in maintaining healthy muscles and bones and fighting many chronic diseases.

The organization recommends these workouts include one to two exercises that engage multiple joints for each major muscle group, with six to 12 repetitions per set. These are done at an intensity of 50% to 85% of the maximum weight you can handle in one repetition, which is the maximum weight you can handle in one repetition. However, this excludes bodyweight exercises that use your own body weight as resistance, such as: As a push-up.

We also recommend resting for about 2-3 minutes between sets. We also recommend resting for up to 5 minutes if the set is difficult. For older adults, especially adults over the age of 60, the National Strength and Conditioning Association guidelines recommend conducting such a program two to three days a week, with a gap of 24 to 48 hours between sessions. We recommend that you do so.

lighten life’s tasks

The above guidelines are just one example of many options, but they provide a framework that you can use to build your own programs. However, we highly recommend consulting with an expert in the field for advice on a specific exercise program that can be tailored to your needs and goals as you age.

Following a program like this will give your muscles excellent stimulation and build strength, while also allowing for adequate recovery, which is a very important consideration as you age. Although it may seem like it takes a huge amount of time, such an exercise routine can be done in less than an hour. This means that less than three hours of strength training per week can improve muscle health and reduce the risk of sarcopenia and related health problems.

It’s also important to note that there’s no one right way to do strength training, and you don’t have to use traditional weight equipment. Group classes like Pilates or yoga, or circuit training or training with resistance bands, can all have similar results. The key is to get outside and exercise regularly, whatever it takes.

This article is republished from conversation, an independent nonprofit news site dedicated to sharing ideas from academic experts. The Conversation is trusted news from experts and independent nonprofit organizations. Try our free newsletter.

It was written by: Zachary Gillen, mississippi state university.

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Zachary Gillen does not work for, consult, own stock in, or receive funding from any company or organization that might benefit from this article, and does not have any affiliations other than an academic appointment. He has not disclosed his affiliation.

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