Home Medicine Star Anise Benefits: It’s Nature’s Immune Booster and Digestive Aid

Star Anise Benefits: It’s Nature’s Immune Booster and Digestive Aid

by Universalwellnesssystems

Wouldn’t it be great to get through cold and flu season without suffering from stuffy noses, coughs, body aches and chills? Now you can with star anise’s immune-boosting properties. Become. This spice is rich in powerful antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds. Learn how to harness the power of star anise to boost your immune system, soothe digestive upsets, and help you sleep better.

The history of star anise as a health-promoting agent

also known as irisium verum, Star anise is a dried fruit that comes from a small tree native to China and Vietnam. Star anise is commonly used to add flavor to both savory and sweet dishes, traditional chinese medicine for 3000 years. Praised as a natural remedy for respiratory infections, digestive problems such as nausea and constipation, infantile colic, it is also used as a breath freshener.

The fruit is reddish brown and gets its name from its natural star shape. Each star usually has eight dots of her, each containing a small seed. And what about the taste? It has a sweet, licorice-like flavor and can be used in a wide variety of dishes and confectionery. Both seeds and star pods can be added to dishes such as soups, stews, soups, fruit pies, brownies, and cakes.


It’s also the spice of playing with others. “Star anise is one of the five-spice traditional spices used primarily in Chinese cuisine,” he says. Lee Ann Weintraub, MPH, RDa registered dietitian and nutrition counselor in Los Angeles, and the author of the following books: All Glycemic Index Cookbook.

Besides star anise, five-spice powder usually contains fennel, Sichuan pepper, cloves and cinnamon. “Contains five-spice powder” antioxidantAnd star anise is one of the spices that has been shown to have exceptional natural antioxidant properties,” says Weintraub.

Precautions when buying star anise

It is important to look for the Chinese version, not the Japanese Octagon. why? Star anise contains a toxic substance called Anisatin. Japanese star anise is not intended to be ingested. American Botanical Council. Instead, it is commonly used as an ingredient in potpourri or burned as incense due to its warm scent and beautiful star shape.

Another issue to note: Chinese star anise should not be confused with anise seed.Although the names are similar, the latter is Pimpinella Anism Parsley plant.

You can easily find Chinese star anise in supermarkets, health food stores, and online. Star anise comes in whole stars, crushed, as an oil, and in capsule or tablet form. Or search online using the search term ‘Chinese star anise’. Our Favorites: Soeos Organic Star Anise, Whole Star Anise (buy on amazon$12.99).

The Science Behind Star Anise Health Benefits

“Contains an abundance of star anise, flavonoid and Polyphenolacts as an antioxidant by neutralizing harmful substances. Free radicalsIt may reduce cell damage and the risk of chronic disease.” Dr. Monisha Banoteis an Integrative Medicine Lifestyle Physician in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, and author of the following books: structure of happiness.

Specific antioxidant compounds found in star anise include: Quercetin, Limoneneand Linalool, protects and enhances the plant from which it originated, Weintraub added. “When humans ingest these compounds, they have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and even disease-preventing potential,” she notes.

“The nutritional antioxidant properties of star anise and whole foods may theoretically contribute to reducing the risk of certain chronic diseases affected by: oxidative stress And inflammation,” added Dr Bannaught. “These may include cardiovascular disease, cancer and neurodegenerative disease.”

Star anise protects against colds and viruses

Why Star Anise is Great for True Immunity: Antiviral Compounds Like shikimic acid and antibacterial agents Anehol.

Many of us who have a cold or flu simply get through it by resting, staying hydrated, and treating the symptoms with over-the-counter pain relievers and decongestants. However, in some cases, you will need the help of antiviral drugs, such as: Tamiflu (oseltamivir). This is where the benefits of star anise come into play. Tamiflu contains shikimic acid, the same compound found in star anise.

“Shikimic acid is the main ingredient used in the synthesis of the antiviral drug oseltamivir. neuraminidase inhibitor It is used to treat and prevent influenza A and B,” explains Dr. Bannaught.neuraminidase inhibitor Blocks the release of newly formed viruses From the surface of host cells. Studies show that this prevents it from spreading to other cells. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports.

Additionally, research suggests that compounds found in star anise may specifically prevent adverse effects. SARS-CoV-2 The virus that causes the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).research in Yakugaku Mirai Journal found phytochemical like Quercetin and Kaempferol bind with star anise spike proteinimpedes the ability of the virus to attach to and enter cells.

One of the benefits of star anise is its antiviral properties.
Star anise compounds help block the ability of viruses to attach to and invade cellsKaterina Kong/Science Photo Library/Getty

Star anise speeds healing of respiratory infections

According to a study of EC Clinical and Medical Case Reportsin star anise Anethole with high anti-inflammatory properties. “Anethole essential oil has shown antibacterial and antifungal activity, suggesting a role in fighting certain infections,” added Dr Bannaught.of chinese star anise compound It also reduces airway inflammation caused by respiratory diseases such as dry cough, bronchitis and asthma.

One of star anise’s other respiratory benefits is Expectorant. This means it loosens and removes mucus from the airways, making breathing easier. And in a small study, Biomed Research International suggest it antibacterial properties It can also fight bacteria that cause potentially harmful infections.

Star anise helps you sleep longer

Star anise contains mild sedative properties that help you fall asleep and get a good night’s sleep. One possible reason is that star anise is rich in magnesium.research in Journal of Research and Medicine people who found Increased intake of magnesium They fell asleep 15% faster, slept more soundly, and slept longer than those who didn’t take magnesium. “Spices are also thought to play a role.” neurotransmitter And the sedative and sedative-inducing hormones promote healthier sleep patterns,” adds Dr Bannaught. (If stress is causing you to sleep lightly, click here to find out how Aphrons can help sleep. )

“For women over 50, getting enough sleep is more than just a luxury,” says Dr. Bannaught. “This is an important part of the immune defense against viral and bacterial infections. will increase further.”

In fact, in one study, JAMA Internal Medicine People who slept less than 7 hours were found to sleep almost nothing. Double the chance of catching a cold than those who slept 7-8 hours each night. And they were nearly three times more likely to get sick than those who slept eight hours or more. For a bedtime beer to promote sleep, heat 1 cup of plant or dairy milk, 3 star anise pods, and sweetener in a saucepan over low heat for 10 minutes. Pour into your favorite mug and drink one hour before bed.

Star anise milk as a sleep aid
Candice Bell/Getty

Star Anise Soothes Gastrointestinal Disorders

“Star anise is traditionally believed to have the following effects: carminative It has characteristics,” says Dr. Bannaught. “This means it helps reduce gas in the gastrointestinal tract and reduce bloating. May relieve people with the following symptoms: irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). “

One of the best ways to take advantage of the stomach-soothing benefits of star anise is with a soothing cup of tea. “Adding ginger to your tea offers unique digestive benefits, such as relieving nausea and stimulating stomach motility,” added Dr Bannaught.

“Many of my patients have started incorporating a daily cup of star anise tea into their regimen,” says Dr. Bannaught. “Over time, they reported not only digestive comfort, but also an improvement in overall well-being. The subtle warmth and aroma of tea seem to add a touch of comfort to their daily routine.” (For more key spices that improve gut health, click our sister publication.)

Dr. Bannaught’s Chinese Octagonal Tea

Ready to reap the benefits of adding star anise to your daily diet? Try Dr. Bannaught’s easy homemade star anise tea recipe.


  • 1 star anise pod
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 fresh ginger slice (optional)
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • honey or lemon (optional)


  • Boil a glass of water. Place star anise pods, cinnamon sticks and ginger in a heatproof mug.
  • Pour boiling water over the ingredients and let them soak for 5-7 minutes.
  • Remove and discard the star anise pods, cinnamon sticks and ginger slices.
  • Squeeze honey or lemon according to your taste and enjoy.

No time to make your own tea? Weintraub, Twinings Soustee (Buy from RiteAid.com, $4). “It also contains turmeric, star anise and orange peel to support healthy digestion,” she says.

Octagonal tea with lots of health benefits
Jake 7/Getty

Other Ways to Add Star Anise to Your Daily Diet

“I use star anise frequently to add depth and complexity to a variety of dishes,” says Dr. Banote. “Apart from my daily tea routine, I love incorporating this fragrant spice into my rice pilaf and curry recipes. It adds a hint of sweetness to the overall dish, and in curry recipes, star anise pairs wonderfully with other spices such as turmeric, cumin and coriander for added flavor richness and complexity. Incorporating it into my cooking makes it both more pleasing to the palate and more therapeutic.”

Interested in cooking with star anise? You can buy crushed star anise at the supermarket or make your own from scratch using a mortar and pestle or spice grinder.

and don’t forget add star anise to pan — great additions there too.

star anise in a pot
Marguiya Photography/Getty

Read on to learn how to harness the benefits of nature’s best spices to promote health.

Which spice boosts metabolism and aids weight loss?

5 spices to add to ground coffee for a tastier, healthier cup

Water Cure: Drinking water with these spice cabinet mix-ins can help you lose weight

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